  • Día 13

    We're on top of the world... almost!

    16 de julio de 2017, Noruega ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Where - Honnigsvag / North Cape, Norway
    Weather - Clear and sunny, 19°C
    Steps - 8200 or about 5km

    We have crossed the Arctic Circle where the sun will not set at this time of year. Brad woke at about 3am and it was broad daylight. We arrived in the town of Honnigsvag and from there we had a 45min bus ride to the North Cape or Nordkapp, the most northern part of Norway (maybe the world..not sure).

    Fortunately the day was fantastic weather wise with mostly clear sunny skies and the temperature quite mild. Rather barren landscape with no trees but it was quite spectacular. Saw some reindeer but a bit hard to get a good photo from the bus. The North Cape has great views but would be pretty bleak on a cold winter day. The centre itself had the usual souvenir shop and cafeteria plus an interesting panorama film of the area and several other displays regarding the history of the area.

    Upon return to the town we were gonna to go to the Arctic Icebar but at around 150 Norwegian Kroner ( or about $25 each) so decided to give it a miss (May change our mind in Bergen, particularly if we need to get rid of some Kroner as we don't need it after the cruise. )

    Two sea days as we head back south again before our next port - Geirangerfjord
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