  • Dag 18

    A Sunny day in Split

    1 mei 2018, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Split is the 2nd largest town / city in Croatia with rather dramatic scenery surrounded by massive barren mountains. We didn't stay in Split itself but headed out to a little village called Omis then down the river by boat to a mill (now a restaurant). Being a public holiday (May Day), all the locals were out enjoying their day off. Actually, they talk about Aussies won love their long weekends, I'm sure the whole of Europe have been relaxing since Saturday making it an extra long weekend. There were people kicking balls, playing badminton, fishing, free climbing (madness), zip lining, but not many swimming as the river is still very cold - very clear though.

    The villages are all immaculately clean, not so much the cities. The city of Split itself is rather ugly with apartment blocks built around 30 years ago accommodating mainly for the Navy as this was there centre. A pleasant day... not too taxing physically... but nothing that I would call a 'must see'. There was a tour to Krka national park that has lots of waterfalls which may have been nice to see so that may have been a better option.
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