  • Giorno 4


    9 settembre 2017, Spagna ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    This morning when I woke up it was raining. I already knew it was going to be that kind of day........ WET WET WET. During breakfast I had a chance to chat with some really nice spanish people also staying at the albergue.

    One couple was from Bilbao en the other from Valencia. It was the last day for the couple from Valencia, so they gave me a pair of socks (so I wouldn't get more ampollas) and they also gave me their bastones ( walking sticks).
    I gave them my curaguide card, because they guy has always wanted to visit Curacao 😁.

    So after saying goodbye I started walking and after a while it started raining...... Hopi hard.... And there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so helaas my pants and shoes were empapados.

    When I arrived in Cobreces, the rain stopped for a little bit and then just when it started up again, I passed this little capilla. I call it capilla but don't know if that's the correct name. It was this little stone house with two stone benches on each side and at the back there was a statue of a saint.
    Anywayyyy, I stopped here out of the rain and had a chance to tend to my feet, which were wet and painful. After a while, feet rubbed with Vaseline and a compeed or two further, I started walking again.

    It rained off and on, and when I arrived in Comillas there was a light drizzle.
    I did not want to stop here, but with the rain and also the feet situation, it was the wise choice. The next albergue is 12 km away, and my feet can't handle that.
    Fingers crossed that I don't get bed bugs from this place 😁😁

    Comillas is also a nice town. Popular because a couple of buildings here are (partly) by Gaudi. I have been here before, and I think I even took mama, mimi and opa here to see El Capricho. So then I've been here twice already. Notice how I am trying to convince myself that it's okay that I'm staying in bed instead of exploring the town. Did I mention it's raining 😁😁😁😁.

    The albergue I staying at is referred to as La carcel, the jail! Because in the olden days it used to be a jail. No, I am not sleeping in a cell, they have been taken out. Tonight I am sleeping with 14 other people..... Let the snore fest continue 😝😝😝😝
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