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  • Day 1

    Wewathenna Camping site

    August 26, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    This beautiful trip started on a Saturday afternoon. The reason for embarking on this adventure was to reunite with hubby's friend, along with his wife and two other close friends, who traveled from Anuradhapura to join us on this memorable journey. We excitedly planned to explore the scenic route on bikes. With a total of six of us, we divided ourselves onto three bikes, ensuring everyone had a comfortable ride. Hubby and I set off from home at approximately 1 in the afternoon, taking into account our friends' departure time from Anuradhapura, which they estimated to be around 12 noon. Our first stop was at the camping tent rental place, where we made sure to equip ourselves for an unforgettable outdoor experience. After gearing up at the camping tent rental place, we all convened at Madawala Junction. This was the pivotal moment when our group was finally united, ready to embark on this exciting adventure together. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and camaraderie, setting the tone for an unforgettable trip ahead.

    Then, we continued our journey towards Theldeniya, stopping along the way to purchase essential supplies for our camping adventure. This included not only food but also all the necessary equipment and gear to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The excitement in the air was palpable as we carefully selected our provisions, knowing they would be the foundation of our memorable camping trip.

    With our supplies in tow, we resumed our course towards the Wewathenna camping site, taking the picturesque route through the Victoria Dam road. Along the way, we had the pleasure of visiting one of my closest friends' homes. There, we borrowed some pots and utensils for cooking at the camping site, adding a warm touch of hospitality to our adventure. With our newly acquired supplies, we resumed our course towards Wewathenna, excitement building with each passing mile.

    Upon arrival at around 7:30 pm, we purchased our tickets and made our way to the camping site. The atmosphere was bustling with activity, as it turned out to be quite a popular spot. There were over 80 people already set up, adding to the vibrant energy of the place. It was clear that this was a favored destination for many, and we were eager to join in on the camaraderie and shared experience.

    With swift efficiency, the boys took charge of setting up the tents, ensuring our accommodations were ready for the night. Meanwhile, my husband's friend's wife and I wasted no time in getting the meal preparation underway. Together, we swiftly gathered the necessary ingredients and equipment, turning our focus towards crafting a delicious dinner for the group. The division of tasks was seamless, and a sense of teamwork permeated the campsite as we all worked towards a common goal.

    After a few hours of setting up and preparing dinner, we all took the opportunity to freshen up with a wash. With the evening setting in, it was time to truly relish the essence of the trip. We gathered together, raising our spirits by enjoying some drinks, singing songs, and even firing up the barbecue to savor some delicious grilled food. The centerpiece of our evening was the roaring bonfire, which not only provided warmth but also added to the enchanting ambiance of our camping experience. Under the starry sky, surrounded by the crackling flames, we shared stories, laughter, and unforgettable moments, making this trip truly special.

    Around 1 am or 2 am, the weariness of the day caught up with us, and we retired to our tents for some much-needed rest. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the sounds of nature serenaded us to sleep, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere within our campsite. It was a moment of quiet reflection after the lively activities of the evening, and we welcomed the embrace of slumber in our cozy tents.

    In the early hours of the next morning, at 6 am, I eagerly arose with the intention of capturing some stunning sunrise photos. However, my husband preferred to continue his slumber. Undeterred, another girl and I ventured out to explore the surrounding environment and the picturesque lake. The morning light painted a breathtaking scene, casting a golden glow over the landscape. As we strolled along the tranquil shores, taking in the natural beauty around us, it was a moment of serenity and quiet appreciation for the wonders of nature.

    Then, we, the girls, started to prepare tea. We realized we didn't have enough water, but our resourcefulness prevailed, and we managed to make do. Soon, the comforting aroma of tea filled the air, signaling a promising start to the day. We all gathered around, savoring the hot cups of tea, which provided a revitalizing boost.

    After our tea, we decided to keep breakfast simple and opted for instant noodles. It was a quick and convenient choice, allowing us to focus on the day's adventures ahead. The steaming bowls of noodles were a satisfying way to fuel up for the day, and we enjoyed them amidst the natural beauty that surrounded us. This impromptu breakfast added a touch of spontaneity to our camping experience, making it all the more memorable.

    With the morning chores completed, we changed into fresh clothes and began the process of packing up all our belongings. It was a task executed with efficiency, each of us contributing to ensure that nothing was left behind.

    Before departing, we took a moment to capture the memories of our camping adventure. We posed for photos, freezing moments in time that would forever remind us of this special trip. The natural backdrop of the campsite added an extra layer of beauty to our snapshots, creating lasting mementos of our time spent together in the great outdoors.

    With a sense of contentment and cherished memories, we bid farewell to this beautiful place. As we packed up our belongings and took one last look at the campsite, we carried with us the echoes of laughter, the warmth of shared moments, and the serenity of nature. The adventure had come to an end, but the experiences and bonds forged on this trip would remain etched in our hearts forever. With a final glance, we turned away, carrying the spirit of the journey with us as we headed back home, grateful for the time spent in such a special place.
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