  • Dag 3

    Phoenix, USA

    17. februar 2006, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Lovely Phoenix this time of year ... 75f during the day and great cheap equipment for our travels. Travel on South West airlines which takes about 1.5 hours
    Our visit to AZ consisted of the following daily activities:

    Denny’s diner
    Shopping – REI, Sports Authority (For travel gear)
    Taco Bell
    More shopping – Target, Wal-Mart (For cheapo travel gear)
    Mexican food

    If you can imagine the above on a daily basis with variations between restaurants, shops and alcoholic beverages! However, the itinerary usually always included Denny’s.

    Of course we exaggerate, our time spent in Arizona was lovely, staying with my family and even squeezing in a visit to Yuma to visit my Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Tammy and family, as well as John.

    My little sister Taylor and I had a lovely time cycling to and form school almost on a daily basis. Keep it up Tays – you’re a really good little bike rider!!

    Paul and I went to an Irish pub quiz as well, with my sister Nikki – the Guinness tasted like shite but the Corona’s were lovely, as was the company. Good luck for your future quizzes, hopefully you’ll soon win enough to buy a round or two!

    It was great to see Mom and Bruce again as well – thanks for trusting us enough to let us borrow the truck on a daily basis – however Paul did do most of the driving – so you got off lucky!

    Had a great time getting together for Sarah's bachelorette party and seeing all the girls again. I think it's safe to say we're growing a bit tame in our old age!

    It was great to be home for a bit – a perfect place to start our journey. We love and miss you guys already.
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