  • Día 213

    Day 2 - Brisbane

    1 de noviembre de 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We are in dire need of some new clothes so this morning we decided to do a spot of shopping. Simons shorts are pretty grubby and mine are hanging off me so it's time to treat ourselves to some new ones. Simons pants have so many holes in that I'm not sure they suit their purpose anymore so we need to get him some of those too. Simon went to get his hair cut in the morning so by the time we made it into the city centre it was almost lunch time. When we got off the bus we stumbled across a cute little food market which had so many yummy things to eat it was difficult to decide what to have for lunch. I eventually decided on a delicious salad box with sweet potato cakes and humous and Simon went for some shredded chicken Thai style rice wraps which were so big he had to save one for later.

    After a couple of hours we'd had enough of shopping so we headed to South Bank to check out the lagoon for a spot of sunbathing. Like the ones in Cairns and Airlie Beach, this one was also great. We stayed at the lagoon until the sun went down and then we went in search of a Woolies to grab some bits for dinner and headed back to Mel's.
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