  • День 245


    3 декабря 2017 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We were both obviously very tired as we slept in until around 9:30pm. Once we managed to drag ourselves out of bed, we walked over to Chapel Street to grab some breakfast. We opted for a cute little cafe called Amba. Simon went for a breakfast burger and I went for eggs benedict with halloumi and cheese which was absolutely delicious. Kev had a super fancy coffee machine with a milk steamer and everything so we have been overdoing it on the coffee a bit. I therefore opted for a turmeric latte in an attempt to be healthy. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was really tasty. After brekkie we went for a wander along Chapel Street where there are loads of cool shops and lots of graffiti for Simon to take pictures of.

    It's still pretty wet today so after taking my trainers to the laundrette to dry them off in the dryer, we chilled back at the Airbnb until we went out to meet Ingrid and Dan for some dinner. Ingrid suggested we meet at a pub called Leonard's House of Love as it sells Thatchers Gold on tap. I haven't had a decent cider since we left the UK as the cider over here is really sweet and tastes like Appletiser. The nice cold pint of Thatchers was a taste sensation! We decided to eat at Leonard's House of Love too. They did naughty burgers and chicken nachos which were super tasty. We left Leonard's full and 3 pints of cider deep. We returned to our Airbnb to find that Sarah, our host, had made us some pink sparkly cupcakes which were very nice. Sarah is a dog trainer and she has 2 very adorable dogs. I'm not sure we can ever be friends though as she doesn't like sausage dogs! She said they were the worst breed and are incredibly naughty. I may neglect to tell Simon that bit.
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