  • Dag 83

    Ongi Khiid

    27. november 2017, Mongoliet ⋅ ☀️ -17 °C

    I wasn't really sure what to expect when we arrived but the ruins were both beautiful and harrowing. Two complexes along the Ongi river, they were once a thriving Buddhist monastery with 200 monks living, praying and learning - this temple in particular was an intellectual hub with centres dedicated to the study of psychology, medicine, meditation and astrology. In short a small yet vibrant, peaceful society of people trying to better themselves and mankind.

    During the Stalinist purges, which unfortunately were very much NOT isolated to this monastery, throughout which any and all patrons of religion were persecuted. Monks here suffered the same fate as those under the Soviet rule throughout the world. The leaders were executed and those who fought back once the soldiers arrived were slaughtered, those that would submit were conscripted to join the army (as you can imagine peace-loving men of religion did not fare well in such an environment), and those that did not submit were exiled to the Siberian prison camps for life until the end of their days.

    All that remains now are ruins in the desert, one active temple which serves as a memorial rather than regular place of worship and the sad legacy of this once great place that is but a sliver of the horror hat befell countless people for one man's twisted vision.
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