  • Dag 13

    Amblin' to Ambleside

    17. oktober 2012, England ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

    Kim, Nick, and I opted out of the 10 mile run in the rain this morning. Instead, I slept in and got going slowly. We made it out of the house around 11:00 for a walk to Ambleside. The Lake District is carved with hiking trails throughout the area. You cross through a number of gates, as a great deal of the countryside is used for sheep grazing. The sheep don't seem to mind people traipsing across their territory, although the farmers can shoot your dog if they go after the sheep. Otherwise, you are welcome to transverse others' property all you wish.

    Several species of trees are turning here, so the colors are vibrant against the green meadows. It did rain off and on, but nothing that the raincoat and quick-drying pants couldn't handle. The weather hung clouds and mist over the peaks of the fells (mountains) seen from the trail. Barbara gave me a little schooling on proper terms this morning at breakfast. Besides fells, I learned that beck is a stream and force is a waterfall. And I thought we were all speaking English! We had several moments lost in translation that we laughed about. I watched Barbara try to explain where we were, and Kim couldn't quite get it. So Barbara, ever so patient, spelled Rydal, which she received with an "Ohhh!" (insert inflection of finally understanding). Nick is terribly gracious, as well. He and I had walked over a bridge, where Anhgus, Kim, and Barbara stopped to enjoy the river running below. I heard Nick ask me if I had played the pool stick game. I asked for clarification, and he repeated the pool stick game. "No, but I've played billiards." Now, he could have easily laughed at my misunderstanding, but he kindly correct my hearing and said, "Poo stick game, like Winnie the Poo."

    "Ohhh!" (insert inflection of finally understanding).

    We arrived at Ambleside around 2 and enjoyed a lunch of soup and sandwiches. We wandered about the town a bit before hitting the trail home. Nick devised a combination of footpaths to avoid returning the same way that we came. We walked along Rydal Lake and hiked along a hill looking down on a much larger body of water. One of the things I adore about this region is the abundance of water. It seems like everywhere you walk there is a small creek, beck, river or lake. You are never far out of earshot of trickling water. Of course, the result is an endless hue of green in every direction.

    Tired, we arrived back at the cottage around 6pm. We cleaned up and headed to the local pub for dinner. The Britannia Inn is about 500 years old but has been a pub for just 200. I went for the traditional bangers and mash, since I hadn't had it yet. It was a delicious Cumberland sausage with potatoes mashed with sweet red onion and a lovely brown onion gravy. Delicious!

    Lest I forget for those who don't know...The Poo stick game requires each player to find a small stick. Once everyone is properly armed with their own Poo stick, they line up on the side of the bridge from whence the water flows. On the count of three, the sticks are simultaneously dropped in the river, and the players run to the other side of the bridge to see which stick floats past the predetermined finish line first. Quite a lot of fun for grown adults.
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