• Day 16


    June 28, 2022 in England ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    We were able to stay in our house in Plymouth until 1:00 pm, which suited us because we had to catch a bus into town in time to get on the National Express coach at 2:30 pm to Falmouth. The trip took 4 hours (it rained most of the way so luckily it was not a walking day).

    Falmouth is a pretty place (You’ll love Falmouth, everyone says) and our hotel looks quite up-market from the outside, at least. It was a 20 min walk from where the coach dropped us, some of it uphill. We weren’t impressed when the concierge made no attempt to help us with our luggage up two flights of stairs, after giving us vague directions to where our room was.

    We walked to a nearby Spar to get our ‘provisions’ (see photo of Claire) for the evening, which we enjoyed in our (sitting on the double bed) watching the tennis at Wimbledon.
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