  • Dag 10

    Hurting and dancing feet

    15 mars 2016, Indien ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    So I was wrong - long trousers / dress and hood is needed, especially if you're blond European and the only thing you want is to walk unnoticed. People staring, waving, smiling, analysing - hello big city life! The first impression of Mumbai? Noise, rubbish, too many cars, more men than women and Uber (that's the best discovery for today). Walked miles and miles, can't even feel my feet properly. The best impression of south Mumbai - areas called Cuffe Parade, Colaba. Marine drive is also nice for a long scroll before the sunset. Nice little treat if you're tired of the city and want to hide for an hour or two is NCPA - National Centre for Performing Arts. Unfortunately after watching Saahas (national Kathak performance) I realised that I still need to work on my future in Bollywood. Indians are for sure masters of funny / interesting / professional dancing, facial expressions, telling the story with their hands, and creating the drama whether it should be or not. Time for sleep and getting ready for tomorrow!Läs mer