  • Día 2

    Sabai jai

    26 de mayo de 2016, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I don't know which day of the week is it. Sometimes I'm getting confused about the month too. My count has changed to knowing how many days left until my visa will expire. Did I miss anything from what I left behind? I definately did. Stability of knowing I will get into my comfy bed again late at night, lazy Saturdays with movie, Sunday brunches with friends, and, obviously, my family. But strangely I didn't miss the things I thought I will. I didn't realise we need so little before. Some of the days I feel I'm giving up on my usual life. Sometimes I feel that I finally live. It's 6am in the morning and I'm heading back to Bangkok with an overnight train from Chiang mai. Thailand is waking up.. Khaosan road will be crowded with tourists, smiley woman will get my favourite mangosteens and passion fruit juice ready, temples will start showing off in the sun with all their beauty. Busy and beautiful Chiang mai, motion sickness tablets fighting 792 turns on the way to Pai, cozy beloved Pai, wish to find myself in meditation at forest monastery (and run away plan on the second day), new amazing people I met (thank you for saving mermaid's life with those disgusting cookies:), thousand and one mosquito bite and this warm rain in northern Thailand - I had it all. I'm still the same mess which I was before leaving. I still don't appreciate the fact I'm living my dream. I'm falling in love with my eyes closed and heart fully opened. But whatever happens on the way I still believe it's the best decision and present I could give to myself. 'Sabai jai' as they say in thai - 'all good in the heart'. The magic of keeping that feeling..Leer más