  • Dzień 15

    Many towns later

    10 lipca 2019, Włochy ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Hey travel trackers, i think that’s the new group name? Over the past couple of days we’ve visited a couple of different towns they were all amazing!
    The first town we went to was famous for having small houses called trulies in english that translates to beehives. They are small hut like houses! We then visited a couple of small towns that I don’t remember the names of but they were beautiful! We Kinda just walked around enjoying all the beautiful scenery! One of The most recent towns we went to was known for there amazing ice cream and super crowded beaches. This town was on the coast and had a particularly busy beach, we were planing to go to it but decided it was to crowded. So we had lunch and got an ice cream which was AMAZING. We visited a town at night last night called mattera is was not very beautiful but had lots of history. We took a guided tour and explored all over the city. The city was in layers so the roof of your house could also be a footpath or road. To top it all off we had a delicious dinner! (Except for a pasta dish I ordered, let’s just say it’s the 2nd worst thing I’ve eaten🤮)。 Today we moved into a town called lecce we will now stay here for the rest of the holidays! We were sad to leave our amazing hotel near ostuni. But have really loved our experience so far in lecce. Shoutout to ILL masseria frantoio (thx for having us) and shoutout to Maddie and Lara looks like you guys are having amazing trips!
    Keep you posted!
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