  • 日11

    What the hell is wrong with these people

    2018年4月26日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    So I headed for Amarillo! After a relatively good night sleep, and got my mind back together, i drove about 200 miles to Amarillo, which was actually a pretty cool drive, because this was the first time i started to see some pretty cool mountains in the back, desert like environment, and actually saw the first cactuses! This is a great change of view compared to the Forrest’s and swamps I’ve been seeing all week long. Then i arrived at a local campsite, in Amarillo, where i saw a bunch of campers parked together! Great, i though... i finally get some social interaction that i was looking for in a long time!
    WRONG.... In the beginning i said that the u.s. people were really friendly! And then are in the beginning. As soon as i parked the RV somebody walked up to me telling me that he actually saw me drive in front of him on my way to Amarillo... and my driving didn’t suck! So after discussing for about 10 minutes where to head next, which i will discuss later... he headed back to his RV. Whenever he came out again, i tried to make contact again by complementing him on his big RV, but all he said was Thank you very much, and he went back inside again. Another camper was just sitting i think 10 meters away from me, but no way was a little friendly chat an option.... what is wrong with these people...
    I am almost starting to miss the racists from Mississippi, at least they were very social, as long as tour not a black guy im guessing.

    Let’s stay positive, and move along, because this is starting to get a little bit on my nerves!

    But to continue my Journey, the not so social guy here now told me that the Route 66 part towards Albuquerque would not be a great drive at all, and that i should have stayed south and head towards El Paso, and after that would be a great mountain area i MUST see....

    So i have 2 choices... drive back towards El Paso or continue through New Mexico....
    As i cannot decide, i will do my first coin flip decision...

    Heads... El Paso
    Tails... Route 66 to New Mexico

    The picture will tell you the outcome!

    See you guys later!
