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  • Hari 38

    Last day in Nelson

    19 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Another day of little going on. This morning I went to the supermarket and got a few things that I needed.
    Emptied the tanks that needed to be emptied and filled up with water. So the camper is ready for the next stage.
    Astrid popped in for a short visit. A "Watson" relative. Great to see her but would have been nice to have longer with her.
    Finally sussed out a place to refill the gas bottle. You may remember that last time I got the gas bottle refilled it was still half full. This time it only had 1kg in it so better.
    It is interesting how things work out. I took a video of my Dad talking about his life, his time in the Air Force, softball and family back in 2008. My brother has put it on YouTube so I watched the two sections on softball yesterday and today. Mum also part of it. I haven't watched them in years so lovely to see them again, and see how things have changed since 2008.
    I also went for a walk late yesterday afternoon. There is a cemetery further up the street and I resisted on the way up but couldn't help myself on the way back. They are always interesting for me.
    Another brilliant day weather wise here in Nelson. Believe even some sun shining in Invers today.
    Moving on in the morning to Murchison or Westport.
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  • Hari 37

    Lunch out again

    18 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Sorry again Southlander's another super day weather wise here. I think it was 22 degrees at 3pm.
    Last night June's son and partner arrived with fish and chips. Great eating and good to catch up.
    June and I went out for lunch today (is that four days in as row for me) . Lovely place even if the wind was a little cool. Very tasty food.
    We then went over to the vegetable barn next door. Loved seeing the different types of vegetables and food and in such an area good prices.
    We then popped to June's son's place to grab some meat of her's from the freezer. I had to get a pic of his pig. I said he is due to become bacon soon. No he is a pet..!
    I am about to change and do some exercise after the big lunch!
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  • Hari 36

    Mapua and Kaiteriteri

    17 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Sorry Southlanders super weather here in Nelson today.
    I headed to Mapua to meet an old school friend and we got around as teenagers as well. I also have connections with her family. Brother and her late parents.
    What a great spot...!! Beautiful. I have been there before with June but the weather was a load better today. Must be a lot of bike tracks around and a good spot for coffee after because there seemed to be a couple of bikes going by every minute.
    After a catch up I drove on to Motueka and Kaiteriteri.
    Again magnificent place and people were swimming, sunbathing and playing cricket on the beach, paddle boarding etc. I bet you can't move in the middle of summer.
    There are times when I wish I had a passenger to take some pics. Too hard to find a spot to pull over. The last pic is two trees in the main street of Motueka when I was stopped at the lights.
    I did notice some trees were starting to change colour. Autumn is here.
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  • Hari 35

    Catching Up

    16 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    I have had a great day. Some days things just fall into place. It was my intention to go with June to her friend's birthday lunch. In the end June offered me her car and away I went and not go to the birthday lunch.
    Headed into the Nelson and went to see an ex Air Force friend and arranged to meet after he closed up shop.
    Nipped around to see another friend. Carol and her late husband are/were English. Brian was in the radio club with Tony in England. They came to stay with us in Invercargill. Lovely to see Carol and daughter Fiona. Not so good to see Carol struggling with hip problems. They have lived in NZ since 2005. Their other daughter came for a holiday and stayed here and so Brian and Carol followed and sister Fiona. Amazing garden. Carol has really green fingers.
    Back to see Pete Wise and by chance another ex Airwomen, Stef was visiting so Pete took us to lunch. Super catch up. I had been concerned because our yearly communication at Christmas hadn't happened so pleased he is still Pete with a super attitude to life and is in good health.
    I then popped back to see a former school friend and seems she has moved but the new resident said the people next door know where she is. Very nice chap dialled Donna's number and we will catch up next week.
    Another former workmate lived a block from Donna's and since I was so close called in. Never would if she didn't live so close. As always great to remember those we worked with when I first moved back to Invercargill.
    Previously I had popped into the library to try and track a "girl" I played softball with. I saw Maxine here in 2011 and she gave me a piece of pottery she had made so when I see it I think of her and was keen to touch base. I didn't find her name on the electoral roll but saw a name Dorothy Tinker - that must be her Mum. Again it wasn't out of my way and it was on the way back to June's.
    This lady is 95 and of course remembered Mum and Dad. She had her sister there and another former Southlander visiting as well. Seemingly she plays bowls four days a week and still lives independently. She has shared Maxine's details and I will be keen to contact her.
    Back to June's to deliver a meal to a friend that had been in hospital this week and then to deliver a birthday cake to her friend. June is a top cook and whipping up a fruit cake is so easy for her. It tasted excellent as well.
    So catching up just fell into place.
    I don't often see the sunset but camper van life is different and I managed a couple of shots last night
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  • Hari 34

    Home Show

    15 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Another day with little to add.
    June lives in a back section so I have been sleeping in the camper on the street. Like I have said I never thought I would do that...! Feel safe as houses.
    Late this morning June, myself and another friend of June's went to the Home and Garden Show here in Nelson. Pretty much like any other show like this in any town.
    The only thing I got was some salami. Transporting things in a camper with the fridge being turned on and off is risky or just too much for one person. Other things too sweet and tempting for me to have in a camper!
    Mitre10 was our next port of call and I got too new click clacks for the hose and the power cord and a new packet of toilet "pills". In the toilet you put one pill and water to dissolve the solid material and neutralise the contents so no smell. I have found the smell of the first lot of "pills" quite strong. There are also options for other products that I will try in the future. Now that is reverting information. NOT.
    We then called at June's friend's place and now home.
    Weather is cooler this evening and trying to rain. They would love rain for the very dry soil.
    Did have a txt from a friend travelling from the North Island to the South Island in a camper van and I smiled when she said she knew where I was! Big brother knows everything.
    Very unexciting day in the life of someone in a campervan but still wanted to post something. The photos will be even less exciting!
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  • Hari 34

    Domestic Day

    15 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    It seems my blog didn't upload last night. Not sure what happened. Very little to report just that I did 2.5 loads of washing. It will be excellent to have choices when I dress.
    The lady I am staying with, June and I have been friends for nearly 27 years. June lost her son two months after I lost Hayden. Interesting how people come into your lives. June was in Invercargill and moved back over 20 years ago. Very skillful gardener and I will post some pics of her amazing begoniasBaca selengkapnya

  • Hari 33

    Domestic Day

    14 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Today has been a domestic day. June washing machine was going at full pace and 2.5 loads were done. Great weather and it will be super to have options to wear and nice clean sheets tonight. All dry folded and put away.
    June is a keen gardener and her begonias are magnificence. A few pics of some of the great colours.
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  • Hari 32

    Pelorus Mail Boat

    13 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    This morning I parked on the main street of Havelock that I had sussed out on Tuesday that there wasn't a time limit. I walked the three blocks to the mail boat jetty.
    Seemed easier for parking a camper there than down on the foreshore.
    As I checked in did I want lunch? Pretty hard to decide when you have just had breakfast. Hell I could be sea sick and not want anything. Opted for the toasted sandwich.
    It is a couples world. All couples except one young chap and another couple with an extra lady. It was okay but not totally. Sat at the back of the boat. Soon nattering to people around me.
    The boat is similar to the Stewart Island ferry.
    It is a tourist boat that delivers mail. Not a mail boat that takes passengers. Must make it worthwhile with all the people on board from a profit point of view.
    It was probably an hour before we did the first drop off. The chap was English and only came to NZ for the summer. I wonder if he was a ham radio operator because I am sure Tony talked to someone up this way.
    It is pretty amazing where people have built homes. A lot are holiday homes. Power, internet I wonder about and if something breaks pricy to get a tradesman to fix things.
    Not sure how many places we stopped at and the kind of "trollies" they had to get the goods back up the hill from the jetty to their house. Very innovative. I was impressed.
    Some went on a farm tour, so we dropped them off and they took us for lunch. The cafe is in the middle of no where! As we would jump in our cars to go to a cafe or out for a meal, people hop into their boats and go on the water for a meal out...!! Amazing.
    One passenger was a woofer. Young people that come to NZ and work for nothing and help people out and get their room and food in return. This chap was working by the time we were leaving the restaurant.
    As I walked in order for Wendy so that was good. I didn't have any sea sickness. Well oiled machine.
    Excellent commentary the whole time about the people that live there and other interesting information. A lot of the farm land has been in the same family for generations. Showed and told us a lot of how mussels are farmed. Wilding pines too. Who knows what else I heard about but forgotten.
    Saw a couple of seals but no whales or dolphins. They do see them regularly on this trip.
    It was a long day away just on ten and not back till after 4pm.
    It had been suggested I wear warm clothes. I was over heating on the jetty before we left but soon after leaving knew I had not overdressed.
    The day was overcast so no sun. I could taste the salt on my lips.
    When I got back it was in the camper and away to Nelson. A bit of a test with driving but not as bad as yesterday on the Queen Charlotte piece of road.
    Here with my good friend June and absolutely going to take advantage of her washingmachine tomorrow and the weather forecast is good to get it all dry! Sometimes small things excite me!
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  • Hari 31


    12 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    This morning I took the bike off the back of the camper and went biking. It was very enjoyable even if I didn't do many K's. Much easier to stop and take pictures without trying to find a park. On my travels I did see a new look NZ Post posting box. First I have seen with the new colours. After the bike ride I went back to the racecourse and emptied and filled the various tanks on the camper. So all good. Not a perfect empty, but okay for me.
    When moving on I was passing the VTNZ I popped in to get my road users print out for the windscreen of the camper. Again it is the first time I have needed to buy more road users and in hindsight it would have been better not to do it online. I had hoped it would have been sent to Invercargill and Jack could have sent it on. I just know I will have moved on by the time it gets to Nelson. We live and learn.
    Set the GPS for Havelock and she decided to take me the scenic route.
    Certainly challenging driving but I was lucky and no one behind me most of the way, so I didn't need to get anxious. I did have a smile when I saw the 50k signs and I was only doing 30.
    Very picturesque and like I said challenging driving but I kept it slow and no problems.
    My good friend of 30+ years Geoff is holidaying up this way also. He had txt me to say where he was and then I was at Momarangi Bay. It is a small world. We sat at the seaside and shared our adventures. He is going north.
    Soon enough it was time to leave and I headed for Havelock where I am going on the mail boat in the morning. So pleased I came today after that road..!! There is another route I could have taken.
    I looked at the POP here and then decided the camping ground was the best option. Certainly not as cheap but I am okay with it. Bit of a concern when she said I will put you in spot 45. Panic will I get in? I am getting a pro at parking these days! No problem parking.
    Like I said on the mail boat in the morning and then on to Nelson.
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  • Hari 30

    Blenheim for another night

    11 Maret, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    When you are staying at a racecourse I guess the odds of seeing a few horses training are pretty good. I could have popped across the road in my night attire to grab a shot. The people around still had the blinds pulled so I don't think anyone saw me.
    Indecision can be a problem for some. I debated about going on the mail boat on Sunday and by the time I decided no seats left. This morning I thought I don't have to be anywhere at any time so I booked it for Wednesday. So back at the racecourse again to stay a second night.
    I went to visit my "roomies" from Waimate and Timaru. We were parked next to one another. They in their caravan me in my camper.
    Lovely couple that I just seemed to click with. The couple of hours went nowhere nattering away about anything and everything.
    This afternoon I arranged to meet with a lady that joined the Air Force on the same day as I did. Haven't seen her for nearly 52 years. She left Wigram and was at Woodburn the rest of her time in the service. She hasn't been to reunions. Knowing other former Air Force people are reading this blog I will see if they can guess who it is by the photo.
    Different spot tonight. Closer to the buildings, laundry, toilet, showers and dump station.
    Will move on tomorrow.
    I may have reposted a blog from last week by mistake - sorry about that.
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