Boston - Part 2

augustus 2017
Een kort maar fijn avontuur van Cormac Meer informatie
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    21 augustus 2017, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We caught up with Feargus and Barbs on our return from Portland. Their drive was horrible - however we did eventually successfully met in time see Coldplay. Feargus' bad day continued when he was stuck in the car park for a further couple of hours. The day after we brunched and then we headed out around some brewery tours and later in the day went out for a very successful and memorable 2 hour fishing trip. Feargus claimed we caught 200 fish I would guess that it was more like 150. Either way a massive haul of Mackerel. We fished with just the hooks glistening in the water - no bait. Fish blood and guts were everywhere with Feargus being the most covered by fish bits because of servicing his rod and Téa's rod. The two of them were at the back of the boat - top tip for fishing - this is the place to go. The fish guts smelt and the car was full of that aroma on the way home. I think Barbs probably burnt the clothes that Feargus had worn - that smell was never going to come out.

    Talking about burning - we also managed to fit in a visit to Salem, and within the museum were told all about the witch trails.
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