
Airport!! Parked and heading to check in!!
Airport!! Parked and heading to check in!!
Phyllis has one place in Vancouver she wanted to visit. TV show Direct Liquidation...she and Steven love this show! Off we went! Then took SkyTrain to Water front to the famous Gastown area. Saw theRead more
Picked up BMW!!!! Headed over to the Sandman hotel...asked for highest floor with the best views. They were great and gave us this room💗
What a beautiful home and our place for the next couple days. Patti's hospitality was awesome..thank you!
Berlinger beach is Patti's! At low tide we got a chance to walk down and look for cool stuff...saw cool rock formations...sea weed I have never seen before...then looking up from below gave us a greatRead more
Whale watching! This was the spot to go... unfortunately the whales did not get the memo that they were to be there. But we saw a huge bald eagle. We saw a seal who did not want his picture taken...aRead more
Started off the day with full FB video chat with the Cunningham cousins. Patti, Sharlene, Julie had a great visit... reminiscing ❤️ We took off this morning in our BMW and stopped first at theRead more
Just left her heading out to the ferry...this one will be a little one 🤢 hope is smooth sailing. A few days ago the ferry we booked had mechanical issues so we have to puddle jump toRead more
Supper with Steve's Aunt and uncle eat right across the street from the THE
What a lovely weekend trip!! Thank you Vancouver and surrounding area for your adventures! Love to get back and do this again!!
Thanks to Patti, Joe and Janet for getting to spend some time with youRead more