  • Giorno 42

    Neuvy Pailloux - cooler and easier

    9 settembre 2021, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    First I will relate the end of yesterday, Wednesday, as again we had one of those surprise fabulous dinners. First we looked round Issoudun which was a more bustling small town than we’d almost seen anywhere. Shops were open and there were people visibly doing things and bars open in the main square. We tracked down our walking route out of town for this morning, not difficult, and then sat in the square for a beer. Still extremely hot.

    Dinner was 7.30, and in our little hotel. Arriving at the dining room we could see we were in for a treat. Immaculately set tables, Paul approved glasses, and lovely menu. I started with a “taboulé”of tuna, quinoa and herbs with an amazing sauce, Amr had carpaccio of tête de veau, we both had pan fried whole trout with amazing vegetables (note in the photo the little plastic bird that is in fact a lemon squeezer) (and don’t note my face which was still blazing from the heat). On the list for desserts and fromages there was “omelette norvégien” and I asked what it was, imagining some cheesy eggy thing, but she said meringue, and it turned out to be a sort of mini bomb alaska!! (I guess that’s where the Norwegian came in)…So we shared one! Such a lovely way to end rather a hot and less interesting day.

    So this morning we set off before 9 as we wanted to arrive at Neuvy Pailloux by 2pm, as Cécile had warned us that the hotel reception would be closed between 2 and 5. Easy, as only about 15 kms, and it turned out to be an easy and pleasant walk. It was still more of the same open plains - ploughed fields, sunflowers and today some rapeseed for the first time. But the difference was it was cool!! It did rain in the night, though not thunder, and the temperature had dropped to a very pleasant level, and there was mostly a high cloud cover - made all the difference. The directions were clear, and the signage good. We had to turn off the true path at Thizay - a small town, and come 2 kms off track to here and our hotel. I think it is the only place between Issoudun and Châteauroux where we go tomorrow, so will have to walk the extra kms back to the track, plus the 21 km on to Châteauroux, so a longer day tomorrow, but we know and will take it easy.

    Meanwhile we are having a wonderful afternoon of leisure in our big, airy room, catching up on reading, emails, news (Amr!) as the village of Neuvy Pailloux is tiny, and we have already seen it. Dinner here tonight. They were doing a roaring trade at lunch time, but I don’t anticipate an experience like last night (this hotel is on a big main road), but you never know - this is France.
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