  • 日16

    Pyramid to EBC

    2017年4月16日, ネパール ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Pyramid (4970m) - Ghorak Shep (5100m) - Kala Patthar (5550m) - Ghoral Shep- EBC (5300m) - Ghorak Shep - Pyramid
    What a day. Starting at 6am with freezing cold wind (up to 60 km/h) and it didn't stop. Maybe the coldest day in my life, seems like two of my fingertips were damaged...
    But therefore the air was very clean and I had amazing views. After almost 3 hours we (I walked with from Checke) reached the top of Kala Patthar. Often the wind was so strong that we were blown some steps down again, but at the top it was luckily not too windy and we could enjoy the views: Everest, Lothse, Everest Base Camp, the whole Khumbu Glacier and heaps of other summits. Definitely the highlight of the tramp. Going down again was also not easy, because there still was some snow left and it was often slippery. Furthermore the wind often blew us down and it was hard to stop. Walking to EBC was harder as I thought. Lots of up and down and still the icy wind blowing in the face all the time. And honestly, it was not really worth going there. Only lots of people, you can't see Everest from there,... Bug now I can say I've been there :D Walking back was really hard. I felt that I haven't been drinking enough and I was freezing like crazy, but after 9 hours I finally was back. I had a strong headache and couldn't feel some of my fingertips. But after drinking lots of hot tea and relaxing in the warm bed I was almost fine again. And having the first time pasta since two weeks was also awesome!