
juli - augustus 2022
Een 12-daags avontuur van Catherine Meer informatie
  • 14Footprints
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  • 12dagen
  • 153foto’s
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  • 3,0kmijl
  • 2,2kmijl
  • Dag 10

    Day 10: Colorado Springs

    31 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Today was a good, hard day. It started out with a 5k with the Colorado Brewery Running Series 🏃🏼‍♀️ Brady is in charge of this state and he has been very successful (making $500,000 last year). I wanted to pick his brain. We went early and helped him set up. He was really nice and answered all our questions. I got some great ideas too.

    The run was another story. I thought after being here for a week that I would be able to run a 5k. Nope. Gary and I both walked during the run. It was a really hilly run. And it was hot 🥵 And there was the elevation...I know, excuses. Carl and Linda, two of our runners came out (totally unplanned). So after the run, we got to drink beer with them. They had just finished running with Indiana Brewery Running Series, so I had them compare all three. They had great things to say about us! And they helped me see a bit more from the runner's perspective. It was a really good morning.

    Then we got in the car and went to the Air Force Base up here for mountain biking. It was scary cool because we had to have our car checked and IDs scanned to get on the base. It was just neat! And the biking was actually pretty good! We didn't get lost, and we didn't have to stop every 5 minutes to make sure we were on the right trail. We both rode a good portion of it. I was really tired, but it was a good tired!

    After a shower, we went to Cerberus Brewing for dinner and back to Rizuto's for ice cream. Gary got another sundae, but I got a waffle cone with coconut and pineapple. It was so good!!!

    We got back just in time to catch the sunset. I hope tomorrow it goes as well as today!
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  • Dag 10

    Highlights of the Trip

    31 juli 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

    Favorite BEER

    1. Pumpkin Brown from Cogstone
    2. Chips and Salsa from Cogstone
    3. Moltres (cinnamon habanero) from Batch Slapped
    4. Peanut Butter Nitro Milk Stout from Left Hand
    5. Pumpkin Blender from Trinity

    1. Taste the Rainbow (Skittles flavor) from Batch Slapped
    2. Pucker Nuts (pistachio) from Berkeley Alley (Beer Fest)
    3. Cold Brew from Big Trout
    4. Dilly-O Pickle Beer from Trinity
    5. Mango Pepper Ale from South Park
    6. Hazelnut Cream from Peculiar (Beer Fest)
    7. White Out from Red Swing

    Favorite BREWERY

    1. Cogstone (Colorado Springs)
    2. Trinity (Colorado Springs)
    3. Left Hand (Longmont)
    4. Batch Slapped (Colorado Springs)
    5. South Park (Fairplay)

    1. Trinity (Colorado Springs)
    2. Cogstone (Colorado Springs)
    3. Red Swing (Colorado Springs)
    4. Big Trout (Winter Park)
    5. South Park (Fairplay)
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  • Dag 11

    Day 11: Colorado Springs

    1 augustus 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Today's ride was both great and terrible! It started out with a looooooong gradual climb. The guy who took our picture a couple of days ago said that it was a 5 mile climb, but then it was a fun downhill. Well, we rode a trail to a dirt road. The dirt road was interesting because it had old railroad tunnels. It even had one that was collapsed. That was all interesting, but that was when things turned terrible. We had to climb Buckhorn and that was a horrible trail. I ended up walking all of it. It was too steep and too many rocks/roots! 😵‍💫

    We got to the top and Gary couldn't figure out which way to go, so we had a few false starts. That wasn't bad, but when we finally found the correct trail (Capitan Jack's), that downhill was too tricky for me to ride! I was so mad! 😡 I had ridden 10 miles UPHILL for this trail and I couldn't ride it!! And when I did try to ride it I fell! 🩹 But I did see a fox on the trail, so that was cool!

    We made it down, eventually, but we still had to ride the Chutes Trail and I was out of water (Gary too). But we tried it and that was really fun!! Back at the car, we ate sandwiches and drank some carbonated water that I had brought to be a treat for lunch. We were both wiped out! It ended up being harder than anyone said and twice as long!

    We headed off to Pike's Peak Brewing to drown our sorrows. The beer was meh. There was a different brewery across the street so we jumped over there. Their beer was much better!! We stopped to get beer to bring home, then went to the Garden of the Gods. There was a mountain that we had seen a bunch of people on and wanted to go up. But the last time we were here we ran out of time. Today made up for that. We got to the top and just sat. Then we went in search of dinner.

    We were told there was the "best buffalo burgers" at the Trading Post. We went there for dinner. After dinner we went looking for Balanced Rock. We had been there on our honeymoon and Gary wanted to go again. We found it! There were so many people!!

    Then we went to Batch Slapped for the last of the Colorado beer. Then it was back to the hotel to try to get everything packed up! 🧳
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  • Dag 11

    Day 12: Travel Home

    1 augustus 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    We got one last short ride on today - Chutes and Ladders from yesterday. It was much better when you took out all the rest of that other stuff!!

    Then it was off to the airport...bye Colorado!