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  • Day 41

    Subway cave

    March 13, 2023 in the United States

    🇨🇭: uuuuuund hüt gömmer wieder gewandere :D üses Ziel Subway caves!
    Aber befor meh det ahne chunt muess meh es chlises stückli laufe. Zudem is ehn chli versteckte Platz, de findsch ned eifach so. Isch au nüt beschriftet det ahne😅
    Tönt doof aber meh muess tatsächli an nem gewüsse Baum rechts, zu nem andere Weg abüge das meh det ahne chunt.🌳 sus findsch es ned. Aber wenns den gfunde hesch derfsch zerst mol chli chlettere, gar ned ohni zum det ufe cho, aber es lohnt sich😍😍 au wenn de Felsvorsprung sehr knapp isch hahaha aber die Ussicht isch halt eifach mega. Meh chan nochane nähmli au no, bide recht site um de ecke det und witterlaufe zu nem andere Spot. Isch ned Schwindelfrei det obe. De abstieg goht eifacher wenn meh um d’site chletteret. Unterwegs no zwei Männer kenneglernt mega liebi gsi, denn sinmer als Gruppe wieder zrugg glofe🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻

    🇺🇸: aaaaaand today we are going hiking again :D Our goal the subway caves!
    Befor you have to walk 30-40min. Its a secret spot you can’t find them easy. No signs where you show the way. 😅 maybe it sounds stupid, but you have to turn right at a certain tree🌳otherwise you can’t find the spot. When you find the right way, you have to climb a part of it. And its not that easy, but it's worth it😍😍 the view is amazing!!
    only the ledge is very narrow, you really have to be careful. You also can go on the right narrow and go around, you can walk a some nice step to another spot. you really have to be free from giddiness up there. The way down from the otherside is more easier then the way to get up there. On the way we meet two mens, and for the way back we are a nice group of travellers. It was nice to talk with them🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️😊
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