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  • Dag 51

    Vegas by night |

    23 maart 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    🇨🇭: nöchsti Tag nöchsti Club hahah
    Hend hüt schöön usgschlofe i üsem Bett und chli relaxt, sogar im Gym simmer gsi. Am Obet hemmer üs denn wieder hübsch gmacht und sind mol chli durch Vegas glofe. Chan nur sege geili Stadt hahaha😁
    Erste halt ischs bullriding gsi, wie ihr vlt gseh hend uf Insta. Mega lustig gsi, und geili drinks hends. Die Bar gseht us wie ehn Saloon, mega cool. 🤠Nögste stop sind die Fontänene gsi, do gits all 15min oder so so eh Show. Au sehr cool gsi. Nöchste Stop isch nomel für ehn Drink gsi bim Tispy Robot. Det chamer ehn drink wähle wo denn vom Robotor zemme gmixt wird.
    Letzi Stop für die Nacht isch eine vode bekannteste clubs in Vegas. De Hakkasan Club und da mir uf de Guestlist is kei problem gsi zum inne cho. Hends döt ordentlich krache loh🎉🥳 hend i dem Club de Jacob kennglernt wo üs denn au uf ehn Drink ihglade het. Echt ehn mega liebe gsi.
    Aber so am 4ii simmer geschlofe mir sind echt fertig gsi und üsi fuess hend des grauens weh tue hahaha

    🇺🇸: next day next club hahah
    In the morning we sleep very long in our big bed and relax. But we also visit the gym today. For the evening we make us nice again and walk around the vegas strips. Vegas by night is so cool.😁 First stop was the bullriding, maybe you see this on insta. Was very funny and they had nice drinks. The whole bar looks like a saloon🤠
    Next stop was the fontain. All 15min or somthing they make a nice show with them, was very beautiful. For the next drink we are going to the Tipsy Robot. You can choose a drink and a robot will make it for you. Was funny to watch them. The last stop was the Hakkasan Club. One of the most famous clubs in Vegas. We was lucky becausw we are on the guestlist so we can get for free inside that was very cool. And we make a big party🥳🎉 in the club we meet Jacob, he wqs very friendly and he also invite us for a drink.
    At 4am we are going back because we was tired and our feets hurts like hell.
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