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  • Day 66


    April 7, 2023 in the United States

    🇨🇭: wer kennts scho ned. S‘berüemtischte Gfähnigs vode Welt: Alcatraz. Mir hends üs neh loh und hend det es bsürchli abgstattet.
    Mitem Schiff fahrt meh öbbe 15-20min zur Insle. Es isch würkli mega cool, meh chan so einiges gseh. S‘coolste isch natürli de Gfähningstrackt. De chamer mit nem Audioguid besichtigige, für üs natürli uf dütsch. Sehr interesant gsi und würkli guet gmacht😄 i glaub de bekanntist Insas isch Al Capone gsi. Kennt glaubs fast jede vo üs.
    Was no sehr spannend gsi isch, das es nur 3 glunge isch zum fliehe. Die hend sich würklich mit Löffel durch d‘wand grabe und sind so entcho, gsehnds ufem einte Bild. Jedoch wird vermuetet das die 3 Usbrecher im chalte Meer ertrunke sind. Ganz spannendi Gschicht.

    Sus no paar Fakte zu Alcatraz:

    1. vo 1934 bis 1963 isches als Hochsicherheitsgfähngnis gnutzt worde.
    2. es hets niermert gschafft zum erfolgricht us alcatraz zfliehe.
    3. eine vode erste gfangene is Al Capone gsi.
    4. d‘insle isch selber 22 Hektar gross
    5. gfängniszelle sind 1,52 x 2,74 meter gross gsi
    6. es het als einziges im Land warmwasser duschene gha, damit sich die gfangene ned as chalte wasser gwöhne chend und somit fluch verhinderet.

    🇺🇸: who doesn‘t know it, the most famous prison in the world: Alcatraz.
    We decide to visit it. With the ship we drove 15-20min to the island. It was really cool, you can see a lot. The coolest thing was the jail. We had a audiotour in german. It was so interesting😄 I think the most famous prisoner was al capone. I think all of us hear this name. Only 3 have managed to escape in history. They really dug through the wall with a spoon. You can see it in a picture. However, it is suspected that the three drowned in the cold sea on their escape. Its a very interesting story.

    Some facts about alcatraz:

    1. from 1934 to 1963 was alcatraz used as a maximum security prison.
    2. no one successfully escape.
    3. one of the first prisoner was Al Capone
    4. the whole island is 22 hectares big
    5. the prison cells were only 1,52 x 2,74 in size
    6. it was the only one in the country with hot water showers. as a result, the prisoners could not get used to the cold water and thus prevented an escape.
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