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  • Day 97

    Cascada de tamul

    May 8, 2023 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    🇨🇭: hend gester eifach sponti entschiede mit 2 Lüt usem Hostel, es Auto zmiete und zu ner 5h entfernti Stadt zfahre, dete 1 Nacht bliebe, Wasserfall ahluege und 5h zrugg, zu üsem eigentliche Hostel zfahre😂
    Genau so passiert! Het sich da glohnt? Definitiv!! Sind am Obet mega spot ide Stadt Xilitla ah cho und mega glück gha das mir no irgennd wie is Hostel cho sind….
    Trotzdem irgennd wie det ihne cho, git immer ehn Weg oder? ;)
    Am nögste Tag hemmer eigentli zerst no eh ganz speziells museum welle geahluege, aber det hettet mir mösse reserviere was mir ned hend😅 sind denn direkt zum wasserfall gfahre, aso so nöch ahne wies halt gange isch hahaha da ganze het üs 200 Pesos kostet pro Person, aso so öbbe 10 Dollar.
    Sind denn zerst mol mitem Boot 3km det shne paddlet, megaaaa schön gsi aber au streng. Het sehr viel spass gmacht und jedes mol wenn mir es anders Boot krüzt hend, hets eh wildi wasserschlacht geh hahaha.
    De Wasserfall isch au wahnsinng schön gsi😍zum glück no schöni ufnahme chöne mache und bim zrugg weg hemmer no ahghalte für 30-45min was au super gsi isch. Und denn isches 3km strom abwerts gange und zrugf zum Auto. Üsen Tag het denn Pizza essend irgennd wo in nem Resti geendet. Echt ehn tolle Tag gsi😊

    🇺🇸: Yesterday we spontaneously decided to go to a city 5 hours away with two others and to stay there for one night. We also rent a car and drove to this city. Is this real happen? Yeees! Was it worth it? Ohhhh yeah. It was awesome😊 we arrived very late in the evening in Xilitla and then almost didn't come in the hostel. that was really close. But we made it. At the next day we wanted to visit a special museum, but we had to reserve it. So we skip this part and drove to the waterfall. We pay each 200 pesos, thats like 10 dollars. Then we paddled the boat about 3 km to the waterfall, was really awesome. The water was so clear u can see the bottom.
    And everytime we meet a other boat we had a water fight. 😂 the waterfall was amazing😍
    i was lucky that i take some nice photos and droneshots. On the way back we make a break somewhere for 30-45min this was also very nice. After this we drove 3km back to our car. Our day ends after 5h driving in a restaurant and eat some pizzas. Was a very nice day 😊
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