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    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    9. kesäkuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

    We got set up with a campground halfway between Cleveland and  Akron. We got up early Friday to go to the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. It was impressive from the very first and we loved it! It is absolutely the place where senior citizens go to feel young again! They did an excellent job of showing how the roots of rock 'n roll coalesced from jazz, gospel, rhythm 'n blues, country, and folk music. There is even an exhibit about the conservative mind-set (not unlike today's) railed against rock 'n roll as an invention of the devil. The music is loud, pervasively loud, but it draws you in to each section as you go around. The best thing is that as it unwinds, more or less chronologically, it has something for every age. There are items on display from every age and type of music, right up to a stage dress for Taylor Swift.

    Incidentally, their cafe showcases local chefs and is excellent. On the food side, a very old friend of ours suggested we go by her nephew's new delicatessen, which we did. Everything there is fresh--farm-to-table fresh and was excellent! <;

    Today we went to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. They don't allow pictures, but it was rather ho-hum frankly. I was somewhat under the weather with a mild gastrointestinal issues, so that might account for my disappointment.
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