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  • Day 7

    Great News • It's Done

    August 7, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    Yesterday, we thought it would be Friday before Dad’s remains would be ready. That was difficult as I have nothing else to do and it’s just Wednesday.

    I’ve just been been advised that Dad’s remains are ready for pickup (Wednesday 11:30 AM). (Thanks Heath). Located about an hour from Greenfield, I’ll leave right away to get him so I can head home tomorrow. It’s a great thing as I had originally expected to leave tomorrow and the RV park had no room to extend my stay past tonight.

    I also got all the paperwork done and new headstone ordered from the same company that made what’s there now. I think the replacement will work well for family members that have deeper roots to Greenfield. That’s next on the “to do” list.

    So now heading to Milford, Ohio for pickup then back to Chillicothe to pack and prepare for the trip home.

    4:30 PM Update: Got Dad’s remains. I thought there would be a minimal amount but his remains weigh a lot more that Mom’s. I am advised it’s due to bone weight as everything else is water based and is lost in the process.

    And a very nice finding: A ring was discovered after the cremation. It’s his wedding ring (on their 68th wedding anniversary amazingly enough!!!). I actually recall that at the funeral home after the ceremony (I think in Greenfield), Mom was asked if she wanted his ring and she asked that he wear it. I can still recall them putting it on his finger and closing the casket for the last time. Now, it’ll be included with Mom’s in the mausoleum., almost 45 years later

    So, I’m pretty sure Dad is pleased with what Deb and I are doing with his remains. I drove an hour to get him and just before I got to the crematory, I passed a White Castle 😃. Then, after picking him up and heading to the White Castle, I found a boutique liquor store that had a full case of Bourbon I’ve been searching for and isn’t available in Virginia... 🤪

    Yep... he’s pleased. So am I.

    Heading home tomorrow.

    Oh, found a flag case to transport his remains that just seemed appropriate. At least until he’s added in with Mom.

    Thanks to all that have been following this journey. It couldn’t have worked out much better.
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