South Coast, Great Ocean Rd to Eyre Peni

Head off on the big trip tomorrow, getting the last minute bits done, very excited!
Head off on the big trip tomorrow, getting the last minute bits done, very excited!
So peaceful here, 1st stop at my beautiful sis and bro in laws place looking out to The Watagans 🥰
Watching the fog rolling in, night by the camp fire 🤩 after a beautiful lunch out on the Lake.
Exploring Merewether, Newcastle and Honeysuckle. Lunch on Throsby Creek 🤩
Beautiful Batemans Bay, next stop for a couple of nights 🥰
Stunning day exploring the bays and beautiful beaches of the south coast - Malua Bay, Tomakin, Broulee and Island through to the river at Moruya and back through Mogo.
Good Morning! View from our cliff top site, stunning! 🌞😍