  • Dag 7


    10 augustus 2019, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    We had grand plans to spend a couple of hours at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum, but alas, when I plugged in the address to Google Maos, I found that it was randomly closed on this beautiful summer Saturday. Such a disappointment, Ben and Evan had been looking forward to this all week. They showed such resilience, almost immediately recovering with a genuine "We'll have a great day in Boston no matter what we do" attitude and absolutely making it so. What wonderful travel companions they have both grown up to be!

    We decided to explore Cambridge. While walking across Harvard Yard, I noticed the Harvard Natural History museum on my phone map and remembered that Evan had asked if Boston had a Natural History museum. Everyone agreed that would be a fun stop and we all enjoyed the 2 hours we spent there before it was time to head downtown to meet Kathryn and family at the library.
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