  • Dzień 5

    Glacier Point

    19 września 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    I did not sleep very well last night. I turned from side to side feeling the pain in my knee every turn. Thankfully we can sleep in again today. Today is supposed to be a FOR REAL light day 🤨.

    Our original plan was to do a visit of the Yosemite Village and do a 4km loop however, after heading out my stomach feels upset again, I'm really feeling nauseated, it comes and goes quickly. It's not to the point of having to go to the restroom but I'm not feeling top shape.

    We look at our options and change our plans. We decide to drive up to Glacier Point. It is a scenic 1 hour drive. We could have also trekked to the top if I was in better shape but decided to do the easy way up. The drive to the top is very nice, you have to be careful and attentive as the road has many tight hairpin turns. I was afraid that it would worsen my predicament by thankfully I am not feeling worse. I feel bad about changing the plans Ben made for hiking it originally. I try to comfort myself by thinking that this situation is out of my control and that I should make the best of what I can do today.

    At the top we are welcomed by a majestic view of the valley with the Half Dome shining in the sunlight. Lots of pictures as usual. Interestingly there is a naturalisation ceremony taking place up here with the amazing view as a background. A nice place indeed for welcoming new US citizens.

    After absorbing the picturesque view we head back down to the valley. We first go to the market to get some Gravol and rub cream for my knee. We then take a stroll to the small Yosemite falls which are also dried up at this time of year. It's a nice flat walk, my knee is thanking me for my kindness today.

    About my knee...I can't go down any stairs, this is the first time this happens. Is this what happens when you get near 40? I hope it gets better as we are heading to San Francisco where there will be lots of walking up and down the hilly streets.

    On a good note my stomach finally feels better after supper. I won't question the placebo effect but I had a ginger ale just like my mom would give me as a kid when I felt sick. Thanks mom 👍

    My birthday cake was a dark chocolate mousse cake. Mmmmm, it was delicious.
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