• Day 19

    Travel to Kandy

    July 17, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Very early start at 05:30AM to go see Negombo’s famous fish market

    Then went to a spice garden where they taught up about the Ayurvedic properties of different spices and plants, which included surprise massages. Nick was the group Guinea pig and had a patch of leg hair removed (pain free) with only turmeric!

    Next, we went to a tea factory and Ellie tried to pretend she was learning new information - top acting!

    Had a quick bakery lunch before a tour of a gem factory where Nick was unsuccessfully peer-pressured by the gem guide and our tour group to buy Ellie a sapphire ring 😂

    Finally, we arrived in Kandy at our beautiful hotel. We have to keep our windows closed when not on the balcony in case of monkeys!
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