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January - March 2025
1 Jacob, 1 Moto y no destino final Read more
Currently traveling
  • 49footprints
  • 53days
  • 264photos
  • 74likes
List of countries
  • Chile
Around the world, Backpacking, Camping, Motorbike, Nature, Photography, Solo travel, Wilderness
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  • 49footprints
  • 53days
  • 264photos
  • 74likes
  • 4.5kkilometers
  • Day 49

    Torres del paine - dia 6

    March 9 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    11 km al campamento central. Hemos expectado harta lluvia pero al final solo había poquito. Pero con mucho viento. 2 personas se caigaron por el viento. Me movió varias veces. Era muy fuerte. Habia un (rainbow) muy lindo. Llegamos a los 2 al campeamento y queremos quedarnos sin pagar por los precios demasiado caro. Para extranjeros 75 luca. Intenté recibir otro plato gratis pero sin éxito.
    Mañana queremos ir al base de las torres al amanecer.
    Era el plan, pero se cambia el tiempo de mañana. Por el amanecer estará nublado, hay una ventana a la una. Pero ya vi las torres al día y no encontré los chicos del trekking durante la tarde porque había lluvia. Conversé mucho con chilenas con una carpa mala. Y había un puma joven cruzando el campeamento. Ahora vi todo del torres del paine.

    11km to the camping central. We were expecting lots of rain but in the end in only rained a little bit. But a lot of wind. Two people fell down due to the wind. It even moved me. A rainbow accompanied us almost all day due to the moving rain clouds behind us. We arrived around 2 at the camping and we don't want to pay today for the excessive pricing. I tried to get another free meal but this time without success.
    Tomorrow we want to go the base of the towers for the sunrise.
    Plans are there to be changed. The weather report changed so the only weather window would be at 1 during the day, but I already saw the towers during the day and I didn't see the other guys during the evening. Everyone was in the tents because it was raining. I was in the kitchen tent speaking with some Chileans, and then there was a young puma crossing the camping. Now I saw everything of torres del paine.
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  • Day 48

    Torres del paine - dia 5

    March 8 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Hoy hemos hecho el trekking al mirador británico. Un mirador con vistas a glaciares espectaculares. Después teníamos la idea de continuar al central para salir el parque. Pero al fin nos quedamos en cuernos. La chica de la recepción recuerdó mi nombre y más tarde me da un plato con couscous y salmón. Era la mejor comida del trekking. Hemos pagado una persona y un sitio para 3 personas y ocupamos 2 sitios. En total 20 luca.

    Today we went to the viewpoint Britannico. There were great views of glaciers. Afterwards we wanted to go to central to leave the park, but that would have been 37km. A bit too much. So we stayed en cuernos, where the girl at the reception remembered my name from central. Afterwards I asked for some food and got a plate of couscous and salmon. We only payed one site for one person and have occupied 2 sites with 3 people. That brings down the cost from 20 per person too 7 per person.
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  • Day 47

    Torres del paine - dia 4

    March 7 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    La etapa del día era cortito con 11 kilómetros y 300 metros de desnivel. En la manana tomastemos desayuno tranquilito y conversamos harto con los otros chicos del trekking. A la una hicemos una vuelta por un mirador con montanas de hielo en el lago. Después había más vistas espectaculares de muchos miradores y muchos pájaros. Las montanas se ven vongelado hoy. El campamento paine grande es muy grande y tiene un lodge. Una mezcla interesante de turistas. Conversamos, comemos y tomamos una chela en el atardecer lindo.

    Today's trek is short with 11km and 300meters of elevation gain. So we had breakfast in peace and were talking a lot. The effects of a missing phone signal. At one left for a viewpoint, closeby and saw giant icebergs on the lake, coming from the glacier. Afterward there were lots of viewpoints with lots of birds. Today, the mountains looked frozen.
    The camping paine grande is gigantic and has a lodge. An interesting mix of tourists. I found some free pasta and oats.
    We were talking, eating dinner, and drinking a sunset beer.
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  • Day 46

    Torres del paine - dia 3

    March 6 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Era la noche mas frio hasta hoy. Unos han dicho que tenia menos 6.
    En la manana teníamos que salir el campamento a las 7, porque hay gente cuales necesitan 6h para subir al paso. El paso tienes que cruzar antes de las 2. Para la gente rápida eran 2 horas al paso. Arriba estaba muy congelado. Tenía nieve y hielo. Pero vistas espectaculares al glaciar grey. Había muchos miradores para hacer pausas y comer snacks. También 3 puentes espectaculares.
    Hoy había turistas del día y del trekking del W. No nos saludan y nada. En el campamento hoy tomemos unas chelas y una chilena me regaló una salsa de tomate. Un highlight para la cena.

    Today was the coldest night so far. They said it had minus a degrees.
    We had to leave the campsite at 7 in the morning, because some tourists need 6 hours to get up to the pass. You must cross the pass before 2. It was really cold on the pass. Even I put on 2 layers above my shirt. There were spectacular views to the Grey glacier with lots of view points to eat snacks. Today we met the first day tourists or the tourists from the W trek. They didn't even greed back on the trail. We arrived at 3 in the camp and bought a beer for 7 euros. A Chilean girl gave me the rest of her tomato sauce which improved my dinner significantly.
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  • Day 45

    Torres del paine - dia 2

    March 5 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Hoy hemos ido del refugio dickson al refugio los perros. 13 kilómetros tranquilos. La mayoría del sendero es en el bosque. Tenía unos miradores espectaculares de las montanas acá. Y al final un glaciar muy lindo. Tenemos un clima muy lindo con harto sol y sin mucho viento.
    Encontré unos fideos en el hostal y me compré un snickers para 3 luca para comer arriba en el paso manana.
    En la tarde hablábamos con unos portadores cuales traigan comida estúpida para la gente con plata. Comida como verduras. Pero recibimos salsa y ensalados de ellos. Las mochilas de los portadores pesan 40 kilogramos. Es una locura. Las turistas con plata tienen un menú ful para todas las cenas. Sólo para 3800 luca.

    Today we went from the dickson campsite to los perros. Easy 13km. The trek went trough the forest most of the time. There were a few spectacular views points, rivers and a glacier. Right now we have a good weather window which is perfect for tomorrow.
    In the refugio I found half a package a noodles which made a perfect lunch. And I bought a snickers to eat on the mountain pass tomorrow. In the evening we spoke to some porters. They carry food like salads for the rich tourists. Their backpacks weigh 40kg and the clients have to pay around 3800 Euro.
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  • Day 44

    Torres del paine - dia 1

    March 4 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    30km en 8 horas después, dos veces lluvia y sol. El primer parte era muy lindo y para la mitad del segundo parte había lluvia. Pero en el refugio hay duchas calientes. Solo los portadores eran más rápido. Ellos tenian una mochila de 95 litros.

    Today was a 8h day of hiking. The first part was very beautiful. Half of the second part was with rain, but it was flat so it wasn't so bad. The refugio even has hot showers. Met some porters that were running with a 95l backpack.
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  • Day 43

    Torres del paine - dia 0

    March 3 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Antes de empezar el trekking del O quería recorrer el lugar famoso de base de los torres. En total 20km y 800m de desnivel. Un warm up tranquilo. Había todos los climas. Sol, lluvia y nieve. Estaba preparado para esperar arriba para una vista buena a los torres. Al final esperaba 2 horas en nieve con tecito y tortillas, pero no había una vista perfecta. Pero tenía su propio con la nieve. Manana empezaré el O.

    Before I start the o trek, I wanted to go to the famous place base de los torres. In total 20km and 800m of altitude. A nice warmup. As I am in patagonia, there were all the weather. Sun, rain, and snow. I waited for 2h above to get a better view but gave up in the end. At least i had some tea and snacks. Tomorrow, I will l start the O trek with a day of 30km
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  • Day 39

    Preparaciones en puerto natales

    February 27 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Tengo 3 días en puerto natales. Ya vi las cuevas de Milodon (un perezoso gigantico de 3-4m y un peso de una tonelada, vivía hasta 10 mil anos antes) ayer. Un dia con mucho sol y vistas espectaculares. Cambiaré el aceite,me prepararé para torres del paine y planificaré mi ruta por el norte. Y un estacionamiento especial para mi moto.

    Got 3 days in puerto natales. Already saw the cuevas de milodon (a gigantic sloth, 3-4m and a weight of more or less one ton) yesterday. It was a day with beautiful patagonian weather and spectacular views. I will use my days here to change the oil on the bike, prepare for torres del paine and make a plan where to go next. And a special motorbike parking.
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  • Day 36

    Un barcazo por el fin del mundo

    February 24 in Chile ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Teníamos éxito para subir el barcazo. Vale la pena esperar para 5h en lluvia y frío.

    Los 2 chicos viajando de Colombia y el gringo de california, viajando por 12 meses, podíamos subir. 40h y durmimos en los asientos. Hemos visto Orcas, sellos, muchos pájaros y atardeceres increíble.

    We were successful boarding the ferry. It was worth it to wait 5h in cold rain.

    The 2 guys which started in colombia and the gringo who started in California were able to get on board. In total it took 40h and we had to sleep in the seats, I put down my sleeping matres behind the bar the second night. We were lucky and saw Orcas, a lot of birds, some small icebergs and beautiful sunsets.
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