Life in Malta

août 2018 - juin 2024
So here we are, swapping the beautiful buzzing Sydney with a tiny Island in the middle of Mediterranean. A very long way from home, things are not easy with both of us working long hours (5am till late). Slowly slowly, we will settle in ... En savoir plus
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  • Malta Week 1

    24 août 2018, Malte ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    So here we are, in a wimp we have landed in the middle of Mediterranean. The office is still under construction with noise coming from left right and Center. The Malta team is lovely and Mel has been very supportive.

    Life is not easy here. We are paying first world price and getting third world quality service.

    - We can only drink bottle water. Tap water is hard water an is not safe to drink.
    - Hard water is not good for my hair. Most apartments need to install extra pump to keep the water pressure up.
    - Driving is crazy here. Parking is a nightmare.
    - Island time. Everything is God’s view.
    - Dust Pollution due to not having enough rain dries my throat.
    - Food, especially seafood, is not cheap. Wine is cheap though.
    - It is fairly hot in the middle of the day and I can’t stand aircon.
    - Maltese are generally very helpful and polite.
    - Unsure about the healthcare situation here
    - Mosquito might be an issue
    - A lot of stress of moving around, living out of a suitcase and mess everywhere.
    - Not everything is within walking distance and not that at meet ups around to meet new people.
    - standing desk not set up and cause lots of pain!

    - 6am start isn’t too bad. I do need to have a nap in the morning or in late afternoon though.
    - Most people work from home or from Mel’s penthouse. Only the initial few days I feel I am with the team, the rest of the time I feel quite isolated even I go into the office.
    - Unsure about what my job scope is now and feel that I have been left in a hole. I am a bit jealous of Pez who has Chris Kosh to hold his hands.
    - I don’t feel right about the politics within the company and not knowing who is siding with whom here.
    - I still don’t have good feeling about Claire who talks up everything. She is very different from those who are successful that I have encountered. I just have to entertain the dance for the time being.
    - Unsure how long it will take me to marry / get excited about the gambling industry. Perhaps 3 years?
    - I don’t like the style of Jonas and how he treats some of his staffs. Mel may not have the industry experience, but she certainly knows how to manage and motivate staffs.

    At the end of Week 1, I become sick 😕
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  • Malta week 2

    2 septembre 2018, Malte ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    We slowly get to know the different areas better and narrow down our search for our new home: St Julian’s for the convenience to the casino, Tower Road Sliema for the view and relatively quiet, border of Sliema / Gzira for value for money, and perhaps St Paul’s Bay / Dingli in a year’s time for the country town feel.

    I am also slowly getting out of the sick hole. Rinsing through salty seawater helps to get whatever crap out from my respiratory system. However, my back pain is still an issue.

    We start our cheap ass in action. First by filling up water bottle with €0.10/L from the ever busy road side water station. Secondly, we hunt for value for money supermarket. So far, Malta supermarket is winning by miles.

    This weekend, we also go for a proper beach hopping. Going from one golden beach to another, enjoying the sunshine and crystal clear water.

    Work is non motivated. Too much to bitch about. The best is to say I choose to be a nice person instead of starting wars left right and Center.
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  • Malta Week 4

    13 septembre 2018, Malte ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I am slowly getting used to the life in Malta and it’s dusty environment. At least we have found a place we like and I can’t wait to move in next week!

    Malta environment
    - Everything is God’s will, we just need to be patient
    - Lifts are tiny
    - Roads are bad with potholes
    - Grocery is not cheap
    - Everything needs to be chased, otherwise, nothing will happen. Chasing method: phone call, email, in person!
    - Because it is so small, it does not have everything we need: physio, meet ups, events
    - House parties is the way to meet new people. So far, we have not made much progress
    - Getting out of the island is the best thing
    - Most expats tend to only stay for no more than 2yr
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  • Malta week 5

    15 septembre 2018, Malte ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    I am assimilating to Maltese way of life - chase, chase and more chase. Nothing happens smoothly on this island and getting frustrated won’t solve the problem.

    Work wise, things are slow due to political turf wars in-between directors. Such a small company but so many power hungry people. I am just here to enjoy the ride and pass go to collect my cash. Most expats here get paid around €60k (my guess). If things don’t go well, we will try to get other jobs in iGaming. Kenny is quite loyal to the company which is great.

    Kenny has been terribly ill as well and I am scared to look at his gum! Settling down is not easy. Sometimes I would ask myself is it worth to move given the life in Sydney is pretty good and comfortable. However, life is like a cocoon, warm and comfortable, but if I don't come out, I will die!

    Some observations:
    - Maltese event starts at least 30min late
    - Private health here does not cover dental, optometry nor massage
    - Language sometimes can be hard to understand
    - Gyms like fitness first is hard to find
    - I miss my standing desk at home
    - I miss the quite waterfront home on Refinery Drive
    - I miss the convenience of having everything I need in my home and around where I live
    - I learn to appreciate good infrastructure, healthcare, and clean & green environment
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