• Day 4

    Day 4 - off the Chicago

    May 2, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    Today was a bit of a waste. We were up at 4am to head to the airport for a 7am flight. Both our luggage is already at the max so a second bag will be coming with me from Chicago 🤣 Got on the plane and the captain told us we were awaiting engineers to finish checking the plane after an earlier bird strike. He seemed pretty confident that we would be right to go but Sarah & I we’re both a bit worried, having watched too many air cease investigations. Unfortunately we had to deboard and wait for them to find us another plane - Courtney I think my guardian angel was looking over me.
    3 1/2 hours after original departure time, we were up in the air. But with the delay and time difference, their slow unloading of luggage & traffic, it was 7pm by the time we got to our hotel. Wahlburgers for dinner, caughtup on some posts and photos and planned our day for tomorrow....
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