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  • Day 6

    Snorkelling Koh Phi Phi

    June 25, 2022 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We had a bit of an unexpected heavy night out last night with some amazing fire shows and parties. Jess even tried jumping a rope on fire. The night eventually ended at 3am, and let’s just say we had a little to drink. The cocktail buckets in Phi Phi are nothing like those in the UK which are mainly just fruit juices and mixers. These cocktail buckets were strong! In total we consumed 27 cocktails between the two of us that night. After getting separated early into the morning and Jess making a few mistake phone calls, Jess was eventually found some way down the beach kindly being looked after by someone.

    Following a lazy morning to recover from the previous night, we hired a private longtail boat to take us on a three hour tour around the island to explore more of the coastline and to snorkel, including a stop at shark point although we didn’t spot any. Nonetheless, it was great fun and we saw lots of reef fish and all kinds of colourful coral. Upon returning to the island and not wanting to call it a day just yet, we hired a kayak straightaway to explore Monkey beach on the north side of the island as the sun began to set. After a 25 minute kayak to the beach we were met with beautiful white sandy beaches facing towards the sunset. Despite its name, we didn’t see a single monkey, but we did enjoy a swim in the warm sea.

    We finished our stay on Koh Phi Phi with a nice dinner and a mooch around the battered streets one last time. We've really enjoyed our stay but it's hard to explain what the island's really like without seeing it; intertwining, battered streets lined with cafes, market stalls enclosed by beaches on either side, overlooking a turquoise blue sea. We've been less fortunate with the weather, however its natural beauty is still incredible. At night time the island transforms into a party and the streets are filled with people eating and drinking. The atmosphere is pretty buzzing. To just experience this in itself is worth a visit. An early night ready for a speedboat in the morning. Next stop Koh Lanta!
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