  • Gün 17

    Lake Como

    3 Temmuz 2016, İtalya ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Today we took a spontaneous trip to Lake Como! Only an hour train ride from Milan. The lake was stunning and we took the funicular railway to the top of Como to see the amazing panoramic views of the lake. We could even see as far as the snow capped Swiss Alps which was hard to believe when stood in 29°C heat! 😎

    We reached different view points at the top (many selfies were taken) 📷.

    Steve managed to leave his phone on the bench at one of them which resulted in an Italian/ German led man hunt for Steve. They were very glad when they found him and reunited him with his phone/ "handi" (in German) 😄

    We had lunch with a view and then took the (long, hot, sweaty) hike up to the lighthouse (only finding out about the 2 minute shuttle bus to and from the top once we got up there!!!! 😥) #steveowesme

    More great views, more selfies, more steps, more sweat but a good time was had 😁.

    We got the shuttle bus down 👍
    Okumaya devam et