  • Tag 40

    Alaska Day 40 Haines, AK to Teslin, YT

    15. August 2019 in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

    Moving day today and starting to wend our way home. We chose to take the ferry, a very good move. By ferry we are only 15 miles, 45 minute ferry ride, from Skagway. If we drove we would have to back track about 250 miles. Cleaned up and moved out a bit early so as to have time for a couple stops before leaving town. A few groceries, some "goodies" from a good bakery we had found, a few pictures around town and off to the ferry. Sailing was at 1 PM but needed to be there by 11. We will not spend time in Skagway but start driving as soon as we arrive. Our plan is to drive about 150 miles this afternoon to Teslin, YT.
    Nice cruise up to Skagway, 4 huge cruise ships in port ! One of the cruise ships was a Disney. Did not see much of Skagway as we wanted to keep moving as ferry was a bit late leaving. Shortly after leaving Skagway we turned the 4000 mile mark on our adventure. 😳. Another 2500 and we will be home. More spectacular scenery after Skagway and back into Canada - British Columbia first then the Yukon again. This trip has also been. Real lesson in geography.
    Fall comes early to Alaska and this part of the world. The last several days it feels like we could see the 🍁 on the deciduous trees turn from green to yellow. Now whole hillsides may be yellow.
    Arrived in Teslin bit after 7PM - Yukon Motel and Lakeshore RV Campground. We would have driven more but accommodations are sketchy for the next 900 miles so need to stop where available. Quiet evening, campground on the shore of Lake Teslin, an enormous lake that must be about 60 miles in length. Planning an early start tomorrow.