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    6 november 2016, Uzbekistan ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Every Russian has a part of Middle Asia genes and this tiny part makes Russian sole so mystic and too complicated to understand 😂 (For example, when you are so independent and successful, but your beloved man is still your God and Tsar🙈)
    This tiny part called me for many years to go to such interesting country as Uzbekistan.
    I had been fascinated by the history of Tamerlane, the posh Empire of Gur Emir and mysterious Sogdiana.
    In November 2016 I stopped dreaming, bought the tickets and went to Samarkand and Bukhara.
    What a beautiful cities! Safety, cheap even for Russian (no matter how hard I tried I couldn't spend here 50USD for 4 days!!!). It has real eastern atmosphere, magnificent palaces and mausoleums, minimum tourists - to my big surprise a lot of Germans and Italians ( thanks God, it is not yet popular among Russians)
    Totally in love with this country!
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