  • Día 12

    Whale Watching

    11 de junio de 2014 ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

    We shed a couple of layers of clothing, then boarded another bus for the whale-watching excursion. The weather held fair, windy and mild as we went aboard a 70 foot, jet powered catamaran named the St. Juvenaly. In three hours we saw four humpback whales, many bald eagles, and several seals and sea lions. Again the scenery was beyond description. I got a photograph of the buoy and lighthouse which offered such a lovely scene when we passed the same spot on our whal expedition of September 2012.  When the boat went fast it became a bit cool, but on the whole we were dressed appropriately. We dressed for another formal night and met the Friedmans and Wrinkles for a dinner of lobster and giant prawns. I ordered a delicious bottle of Bex Riesling from the Nahe region of Germany, which we all shared. We returned to our stateroom, did the laundry, and wrote up these notes before retiring around 10:30 pmLeer más