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  • Day 20

    Nets, Nylons & Nurdles

    October 5, 2023, Japan Sea β‹… 🌧 63 Β°F

    Nets, Nylons and Nurdles
    Flotsam & Jetsam in the Oceans
    Lecture by David J. Drewry

    ⁃ Charles Moore Natural History 2003 found plastics in ocean
    ⁃ Flotsam- debris floating in sea
    ⁃ Jetsam- garbage thrown deliberately into sea
    ⁃ Lagan-debris sitting on sea bed
    ⁃ 60-80% is plastic
    ⁃ 100,000 marine mammals die each year from ingesting plastic
    ⁃ Causes blockage. And starvation
    ⁃ Whale dead with 90 lb plastic in its guts
    ⁃ Tangling in fishing lines
    ⁃ Poisoning by sunlight degraded plastic
    ⁃ Chemicals interfere with reproductive system
    ⁃ Microscopic plastic fibers from washed clothing
    ⁃ Destroys coral formation
    ⁃ Why plastics?
    ⁃ Buoyant, durable, transparent, common
    ⁃ One million plastic bottles made each Minute
    ⁃ The miracle material of the twentieth century, we have become thoughtlessly addicted to using plastics for everything
    ⁃ Estimated decomposition rates
    ⁃ Plastic cups 50 yr
    ⁃ Beverage holders 400 years
    ⁃ Different types of plastics have different rates of decomposition. Some types of plastics are easy to recycle/degrade, others are difficult. Plastic cups are especially difficult and long-lasting.
    ⁃ Where does plastic come from
    ⁃ 80% comes from land
    ⁃ Pictures of waterways completely covered by plastic
    ⁃ Leading mismanagement of plastic is China followed by Indonesia, Philippines Bangladesh
    ⁃ Largest concentration of plastic comes from Asia and Indonesia
    ⁃ Where does the plastic go?
    ⁃ Land. It is swept into the ocean from coastal tides.
    ⁃ Collects in gyres
    ⁃ 300 tons per day on India coast
    ⁃ 20 T yr in Hawaii
    ⁃ Roatan Island seas covered by plastic
    ⁃ Midway Island-Albatross nests here. Eat plastics one-third of chicks die
    ⁃ Great Nike Drift. 6k containers/yr fall off ships
    ⁃ Movie: Robert Redford All is Lost
    ⁃ May 1990 Hansa carrier lost containers that broke open full of Nike products. Washed up on coast from Oregon to Alaska
    ⁃ Curious case of rubber ducks. Evergreen Laurel 1992. Storm. Lost containers of 29,000 rubber duck & toys. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, oceanographer said we could use rubber ducks to track ocean currents. Found 2 yr later in Alaska. By 2000 some were in Bering Sea. Hung in Beaufort gyre in Arctic. Went into Atlantic. Got into Gulf Stream in Cornwall.
    ⁃ What do we do?
    ⁃ Laws are in place. Increased manufacturer liability.
    ⁃ International ocean cleanup
    ⁃ Boyan Slat-
    ⁃ Float barriers, and let the current being the debris. We scoop it up and carry it away. Scaled up in Pacific.
    ⁃ Interceptors in rivers that feed into rivers.
    ⁃ Change manufacturing materials to biogradables.
    ⁃ Reduce our plastic consumption
    ⁃ Recycle
    ⁃ International legal measures
    ⁃ Education

    Nurdles are pieces of plastic that get finally worn down into little pellets.
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