• Day 33

    El Castillo y Los Ladrillos on foot

    January 18, 2023 in Panama ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

    A combination of bus ride and walking to reach an abandoned and supposedly cursed castle and natural rock climbing wall can be made harder and more exciting if you choose to carry a 4-month old baby with you.

    My young host really wanted to give it a try and do the hike along the street (like 9km in total) with her baby and a baby bag full of stuff. Also in crocs.

    After some 2km of going uphills, she kindly asked me if I could carry the baby because she is not fit enough. My biceps, more than my kindness, took it as a challenge and I carried the baby for the rest of the day. I was eternally thanked to by my host, and also peed on by the little bastard. It was kinda fun though.

    The rock climbing wall was cool and I wish I was in a different situation where I could have actually climbed it. The castle is just a locked up abandoned villa that you can’t even come close to but see a glimpse of it through the gates. The landscapes and river views were amazing everywhere along the way, and I even got some free guavas from the tree by the road 🤤
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