The start of a two day journey to Brasil

I’m up and ready and raring to go. Today is the first of two travel days, Dundee to London here I come.
I’m up and ready and raring to go. Today is the first of two travel days, Dundee to London here I come.
Blimey oh Riley I remember why I don’t fly cattle class, thank goodness we made use of the airport lounge to chill, eat and drink. Sleep was hard to come by as it was soooo uncomfortable. HoweverRead more
Having spent the morning meeting Vitoria’s family we went to town to get some SIM cards. We came away with toys for Oakley, drinks and snacks but no Sims. Oh well always tomorrow 🤣. Im nowRead more
Just to keep to my Camino theme once Vitoria finished at the dentist and joined us we made our way to the monastery whats a holiday without a church or two 🤣 This was on my list of must do placesRead more
Last stop of the day was a trip to the area where all the Japanese live, unfortunately the gardens were closed today so we will try and pop back another time but we had a stroll, some street food andRead more
Jack and I went off to the zoo today whilst Vitoria chose to go and visit the dentist. She tells me it’s much cheaper in Brasil. São Paulo Zoo was amazing so spacious. Adjoining the zoo are theRead more
Wow this place was awesome. It’s a whole district covered in graffiti. I will post a few footprints as there are so many photos
Today Cecilia celebrated her birthday. I decided to give her a card from London. What you need to know is in Brasil cards are not exchanged. She had no clue what it was or how it opened. I even wroteRead more
Traveler Enjoy
REEBANOCO aka Sharion 👍
Traveler I have updated the app. See what happens when you start travelling