Basel to Canterbury

After some problems with paperwork - the planes, not ours - we took off from Basel with around one and a half hours delay. This didn‘t bother us too much since we didn‘t have any connections toRead more
After some problems with paperwork - the planes, not ours - we took off from Basel with around one and a half hours delay. This didn‘t bother us too much since we didn‘t have any connections toRead more
The title says it all. 🙂 We made a day trip to Ramsgate with the specific intention of visiting three museums. On the way there, we found a fourth.
First up: Spitfire and Hurricane MemorialRead more
Today we started with a late breakfast at The Refectory Kitchen which was very good. I had a toast with beans and peacamole (just like guac, only with peas instead of avocado). This came with aRead more
This has been on my historical bucket list for ages. Since I saw a documentary about the restoration of the Kings quarters to 12th century standards, to be precise. It did not disappoint. This is oneRead more
Another tick on my historical bucket list! 😃 I know, it is weird to be happy about visiting a battlefield where so many men died. But I look at the site just the way Monsieur le Conquérant hasRead more
Let‘s stay in the Conquerors path for a little longer with a visit to Pevensey Castle. This is where he landed with his fleet after crossing the Channel. Here, the Normans found what was left of aRead more
On our way from Brighton to Portsmouth, we stopped at the Weald & Downland open air museum. There are buildings here from the 10th to the 19th century. They have all been relocated here with theRead more
This is one HUGE museum complex. So many ships and exhibitions, some are even on the other side of the harbour. Those are best reached by waterbus, which is included in some tickets. We had three mainRead more