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  • Day 21

    Australia Day. Yes, we changed the date!

    October 7, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    After three amazing weeks in Siem Reap (2 of these spent with the UniSQ students in Treak School) it was time to say goodbye. On our final day at the school, our UniSQ students led Australia Day activities, including art making inspired by Aboriginal processes of mark making to represent animal tracks (led by Bella, a proud Gunngari student), ball games (including tunnel ball) and singing and dancing. It was a huge hit with all involved and a fitting celebration to end our time in Treak. Tears may have been shed as we said goodbye that afternoon. I am so proud of our students and the way they rolled with a number of unexpected challenges and program changes, for the way they acted with integrity and excellence, and among it all, how they embraced every opportunity to have fun. I certainly hope this is the first of many such trips!Read more