  • Hari 43

    Never want to hear the word bedbug again

    22 Februari 2020, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    Woke up to start my 7am shift on housekeeping. Ashleigh started working at 9 along with Bethany, Wren and Jonathan. 2 guests complained they had bed bugs last night and wanted their clothes washed. The whole tour in the hostel then wanted their clothes washed because they were sharing their things. We said that was fine but we ended up with so much washing we didn't think we would get through it (see picture of laundry) We had to fumegate 2 rooms and tip the room upside down.... I didn't actually see one bed bug or see any evidence of this but we tried to keep the guests happy and did their laundry for free. The girls then asked Ashleigh on reception if they could get a letter written to claim on their insurance that they had bed bugs. Ashleigh said he'll email the manager but was not happy to do it considering there was no evidence of bed bugs. They were then bothering us after shift with questions.

    We decided then to venture out in the rain and get away from the annoying guests. We had some free vouchers for hole in one where you hit golf balls to a platform on the lake. It was hard but good fun. We then went for a coffee at waterside. We have just had pizza from pizza hut for $4.50 each so cheap! Currently enjoying a bottle of Sauvignon blanc Ashleigh got me for my birthday.
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