  • Dag 221

    Back to the Mainland

    10 mars 2016, Belize ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Tobacco Caye was good to us, but we were running out of food and felt like we had seen a good sampling of sealife in the surrounding reef, so we got on a boat back to Dangriga and switched back to bike mode. Our friends from the Nebraska field course came ashore on the next boat so we got to show off our loaded bikes and get a picture together. We gave Dangriga another chance and enjoyed seeing the town sunny and alive on a Thursday morning. After exploring the streets and the town market we bought some relatively cheap and delicious food from the vendors that we had missed when we arrived on Sunday, then rolled on. The road even seemed better as we pedalled out of Dangriga with the wind at our backs. A short ride past more orange orchards got us to the quiet town of Hopkins. We quickly felt at home here with lots of friendly folks in the streets. We managed to buy gasoline for our stove from a family "gas station", and set up our tent beside a beach bar for the night.Läs mer