  • Dag 7

    Essential visit to Lisnashee!

    31. mars 2020, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    I have started to do daily challenges with Mia as a way to make sure she doesn't spend all day on her laptop. They include a mix of exercise, housework and other fun stuff like baking and reading. She has actually been really good with getting on board with them!

    I've also started doing them for myself to try and keep my routine going, as a couple of days last week I fell off the wagon a bit. Today my challenge is -

    1. Push up challenge
    2. Tempo run
    3. Tackle work emails which have been building up
    4. Cook beef stew
    5. Virtual class
    6. Read 1 chapter of my book

    Yesterday I called out to Mum & Anna for a visit and to drop off a few bits and bobs that I cleared out of the house. Was good to see them as it's been a while! Ended up visiting again later in the evening as Mia had baked some bread and scones for home ec and wanted to drop some out to them! There are garda checkpoints set up around the place but luckily we weren't stopped - If we were I would have told them I was visiting my elderly Mum!

    Went for a run at 7pm yesterday evening down to the West pier. It was eerily quiet - no traffic on the roads and very few people out and about. It felt like 5am on a Sunday morning. There was a checkpoint set up on the main road stopping cars and a few gardai patrolling on foot. Thankfully both piers are just about within the 2km radius for me - I'll definitely be making the most of them for my runs & walks over the next few weeks!

    I feel like I'm finally settling in and getting used to the new normal. I'm enjoying having more time to cook and Mia is learning more meals which I would never have had time to show her before. The three of us are getting along really well which is good...we aren't sick of each other yet!

    We have alot to be thankful for - our jobs are safe and none of us or our families are sick. Lisa was telling me it looks like Griffith College Cork won't reopen in September so all those people will be out of work. I've also heard some sad stories of people losing family members and not even being able to say goodbye to them. I think we will come out of this experience completely shell shocked as a nation.

    I wonder how long it will be before things get back to normal.
    Will it be a sudden reopening of everything and big celebrations across the country or will it be more gradual?
    Les mer