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  • Day 24

    A hot sunny day in Amsterdam

    May 11 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Was not expecting 22 degrees here, but I will take it. We went out, and Marina and I bought a few bits and pieces locally. Then sat in a cafe outside and people watched.
    Also laughed at the 2 stroke cars that get parked as if they are bikes. they sound terrible 500cc of misery.
    The guy at our reception recommended we visit a market a few stops from us. We got down there and discovered this huge area with hot food and beer stalls.
    We headed into the central city to figure out our route for the Keukehof gardens for tomorrow and stopped on the way back for dinner. Man, it was so busy I took a photo of the bikes parked outside but could not take any photos inside as it was too crowded.
    There was an outstanding live band playing called Le Josha. I caught a bit on video..
    Marina and I had teriyaki chicken for dinner cooked in huge paella pans. see photo.
    Have arrived back at the hotel stinking of smoky food with a full belly 😋
    Will look out for Aurora Borealis tonjght. Scott and Centaine, thanks for the photos . So cool, one from the Northern the other from the Southern hemisphere.
    The world gets smaller.
    BTW, really like Amsterdam 👍
    Off to see the Tulips tomorrow. 🌷
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