  • Dag 16

    Adams Peak Climb —> Hatton

    21 januari 2020, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Our 2am alarms woke us both us but Tom had not had a great sleep at all...maybe 2 hours so he felt shattered. Today was the day we were going to climb Adams peak, a mountain that’s summit was 2,243 metres above sea leave as is well known for having the Sri Pada, or the sacred footprint of Buddha at the top that Buddhists come from all over the world to worship. Tom has been periodically checking the weather outside throughout the night to see if we could see Adams peak from our hotel room window or if it had been covered by clouds as it was when we arrived to Nallathanniya. The weather looked great, clear skies and dry and you could see the temple on Adams peak lit by hundreds of painfully bright white lights. We got our clothes on, long trousers and a thermal for Tom as it was quite chilly out, but I braved it wearing shorts the whole way, even with the threat of leeches.

    We made our way through the streets of Nallathanniya with the Buddhist prayer music blasting out (despite it not even being 2:30 yet) and the blinding white lights guiding us to the start of the Adams peak track. We arrived at the entrance and were welcomed by 2 monks asking for donations by asking us to sign our names in along with a donation amount and you would then put you money into a perspex box so they could see exactly how much you had donated. George and I filled the book and wrote we would be donating 100 rupee each but when it come to it I couldn’t find my wallet and Tom hadn’t bought his with we said we would come back later to pay (like that was ever going to happen). We started the walk along the track and as the lights become less insulting we could properly see the night sky, and as it was such a clear night we could see thousands of stars in the night sky and could even see the dark part of the moon. The walk up Adams peak was challenging, but not at all as hard as we thought it would be after all we had heard about it, maybe we weren’t as unfit as we thought we were. It was mostly Buddhist people climbing to worship the Sri Pada with a small percentage of tourists mainly there for the awesome sunrise. A lot of the locals were actually elderly people in their 80s or even in their 90s! We got up in pretty good time so we thought we would check out the Buddhas footprint, which was officially at the summit of the mountain on top of a huge boulder. It was pretty cool, but for some reason was covered in giant moths! We both then rang the bell to symbolise this was the one and only time we had reached the summit and then went to find a spot to sit for the next 2 hours waiting for the sunrise. We seemed to be some of the first people up so had a choice of where we wanted to go, we decided to sit at the top step infront of the office building as it had a really cool view over the lake to the right and the mountains the the left. We waited there for an hour and a half as it got busier and busier but no where near as busy as we had heard it could get, and to our disgust some guy sat around us kept letting out deadly and toxic farts!

    All of a sudden at around 5:30 the sun started to let some light through and changed the colour of the sky, and gradually the sun rose over the horizon. It was an incredible sunrise. When the sun had risen some Buddhist procession begun which we watch for a while before making the descent. The way down seemed much busier than the ascent due to the bottleneck of the older people taking their time to go down the steps. We both kept hopping over the barriers to get down quickly as the sun was blazing in the sky now it was actually getting quite warm. We were both talking about the amazing sunrise we had just seen and then all of a sudden Tom felt the sudden desire to go to the toilet, and not for a wee...this lead to us practically sprinting down the mountain and as we didn’t have a wallet with us, Tom couldn’t go to any of the toilets on the trail so would have to make it to the room...still 3 kilometres away. Near he bottom Tom had to throw in the towel and ran to a toilet near a large white pagoda as I scrambled around for 30 rupees...I magically found my wallet in the depths of my bag so saved Tom from the stress. The toilet was being manned by an old guy who seemed to live in the outhouse next to the toilet as he demanded the 30 rupees. Tom paid up and did his business in the squat toilet, to his horror...again, no bloody toilet paper!!! Safe to say the rest of the walk was much more enjoyable! We got back to our room just before 8 and Tom went back to sleep for just over an hour whilst I watched the film that I fell asleep to last night.

    When Tom woke up we packed our stuff up and check out and drove to Laxapana falls, a waterfall we saw en route to Hatton, the town we would be sleeping in tonight. We drove a few kilometres out of our way to get there, parked up at the start of a sketchy walkway and tried to follow the sound of water...problem was we couldn’t hear any? We were both thinking that we had wasted our time getting here, but we might as well go and check it out as we hade come this way. We reached the end of the trail and saw a huge expanse of flat rock with various streams of water leading what we assumed was the waterfall...this was looking up! We walked in direction of the waterfall, I gave Tom a geography lesson from what I could remember from A-Levels, showing Tom the eddies that had formed in the rock, we ventured closer to the edge and were absolutely blown away by the waterfall that these various streams lead to. It was enormous, with absolutely incredible views. Of course the drop was sheer, 126 metres down and it gave us both jelly legs, but the adrenaline kicked in and we wanted to get as close to the edge as possible to see the full extent of the falls. Tom stood in one of the eddies that allowed him to look down the entire falls and I just lay on the floor with his head over the edge and we were both completely in awe of this place, better still, we had the whole place to ourselves. This was possibly one of the most amazing waterfalls we’d ever seen and definitely a travelling highlight.

    On the way back to the TukTuk, I almost kicked a viper - one of the most venomous snakes in Sri Lanka...Tom saw it slither away as I passed, inches away from the snake! Tom took over the driving and got us to our guesthouse in Hatton a working town with very friendly people and cheap food! Our room had a balcony that looked out onto tea plantations which was nice, but funny as we were joking on the way here that we would be happy to never see tea plantations again! We met the German girls staying next door and had a quick chat with them before heading out into Hatton, it appeared that we were the only white people walking around and we got a complete mix of reactions; some people happy to see us, some confused and others perhaps not best pleased to see white people walking around. We got a 5L from Cargills and got a Kottu from a place called ‘Kevin’s food corner’ for 150 rupee. When we got back we sorted out some accommodation for the next few days before going to sleep super early because of the early start this morning. Tomorrow we would head to Kandy
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