Haritada göster
  • Gün 7

    Day 6 visit to Ebenezer School

    10 Nisan, Güney Afrika ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Building was on hold as we woke up to tremendous thunderstorms so visited the school which was in the same vicinity as the children's home we had visited earlier on in the week .
    We met the Head and then in pairs visited one of the different aged classes
    Busy Bees 2-3years
    Eager Beavers 4-5 years and a class of 6-7year
    Their learning for that week focussed on transport.
    I read a story Lynnes Birthday cake surprise as they hadn't any books associated on the subject to read .
    We then talked about modes of transport on the road ,in the water and in the air .
    We then made vehicles out of junk modelling -
    Fire engines, train , car and lorry ...the children painted add wheels and funnels .We used our initiative as resources were limited, i.e., toilet rolls, string, bottle tops and empty milk cartons .
    All painted and the children were proud of their transport models .
    After lunch with the children where they eaten
    bowls of rice and meat
    the children placed outside on swings which showed their aged patina, colourful, striped heavy canvas hammocks provided adventure and stimulation for the children s play.
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