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  • Day 31

    Windy Monday.

    August 10, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    It didn’t start out that way.
    But we had seen the forecast.
    60km winds in the afternoon.

    So, this morning, with no wind and in brilliant sunshine, we walked along the beach into Whoopi ... to buy coffee.
    Because, as it turns out, Emily was out of milk.
    For the second time.
    And for the second time, as we are 3/4 along the beach into Woopi, as she explained her ‘no milk’ situation.....
    I said, “I’ve got milk.”

    That’s twice she has done that.
    We have 2 fridges.
    I have milk.
    Does she just expect me to eat my milo straight out of the tin with no milk?
    ( Hang on. I retract that. There is a possibility that she has seen me do that.)
    Anyway ....
    We found this hysterical.
    I may not cook but I buy milk!

    And twice we have walked along that wonderful beach to buy coffee because she is out of milk.
    I win.

    Did 2 loads of washing.

    Emily went to the butchers on her Postie bike.
    Asked where can she buy milk.
    (Supermarket is a little out of town. Not far. Just not in the Main Street.)
    Turns out the Drive In Bottle Shop on the Main Street sells milk.
    Clever man.

    Weather starting to turn.
    We rolled up both awnings in preparation for the strong winds.
    Then it started to rain.
    Went to get the clothes off the line, thinking where on earth am I going to dry this lot?
    They have dryers.
    (Honestly, someone’s I worry myself.)
    Why did I not know that?

    A little worried about shrinking some tops so I handed Emily’s 2 to her to take care of.
    And I set up a clothes line in my van.
    ( Love a project! Thought of you Katrina and your clothes line.)
    Rain coming down...
    Laying on the bed, reading...
    And watching the raindrops run down the windows...
    Lacey curled up on my feet...
    Heater on the clothes ....

    Lovely, lovely day.
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